(a) Use of Direct Data capture method such as use of digital cameras or scanners.
(b) Record inspection if documentation is available.
(c) Interviews: It refers to face to face interaction involving the interviewer asking the respondent( interviewee) questions and getting the feedback immediately.
(d) Questionnaires: Involves issuing respondents with a special document containing questions on the subject matter to fill anonymously and collecting the filled documents at a later time.
(e) Observation: It is the process where the researcher/ data collector watches and collects relevant data as the process of interest is going on.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on April 17, 2018 at 12:41
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Differentiate between data verification and data validation during data processing.
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Explain why storage is not regarded as a stage in data processing.
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List and elaborate the activities done during data processing phase.
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Give the main stages carried out during data collection phase.
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List the major phases/ stages of data processing cycle in hierarchical order.
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Define information.
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Define data.
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Write down the procedure of converting an hexadecimal number to binary number.
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Give the procedure that one should follow while converting a binary number to hexadecimal numbers.
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Explain how to convert octal numbers back to binary.
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Give the procedure of converting a binary number to Octal number.
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Explain how you can convert a binary number with decimal points to base ten.
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Explain how one can convert binary number back to decimal or base ten.
Date posted: April 17, 2018. Answers (1)