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State the five major kingdoms into which all living organisms are classified


State the five major kingdoms into which all living organisms are classified



The kingdoms

a) Kingdom Monera- This is composed of microscopic unicellular organisms mainly bacteria e.g amoeba.

b) Kingdom Protoctista- This kingdom is comprised of members who are microscopic. Though, some are large enough to be seen with the naked eyes.

Members of this kingdom include algae and protozoa.

c) Kingdom Fungi- Members of this kingdom comprises the mushrooms, toadstools, moulds and yeast.

d) Kingdom Plantae- This kingdom comprises the moss plant, ferns, maize plants, hibiscus, meru oak tree etc.

e) Kingdom Animalia — Members of this kingdom include the tapeworms, hydra, fishes, human beings, lizards, earthworms etc.

vindori answered the question on April 17, 2018 at 12:57

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