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Discuss the tissues found in plants


Discuss the tissues found in plants.



Tissue types in plants

1. Epidermal tissue- This is a single thin layer of cells covering the outer surfaces. It protects inner tissues of plants from mechanical damage and infection.

2. Palisade tissue- This is a group of cells rich in chloroplasts containing chlorophyll. It has a site for the absorption of light energy and manufacture of food by photosynthesis.

3. Parenchyma tissue- This tissue consists of special thin walled irregularly shaped cells. They form packaging and storage cells.

4.Conducting tissue/Vascular bundle- This tissue consists of xylem and phloem. Xylem conducts water and dissolved mineral salts in a plant while phloem conducts food substances in solution.
vindori answered the question on April 17, 2018 at 13:39

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