(a) Master File: it is the main file that contains permanent records about particular file transactions items. A good example of a master file is that containing student details like Date of Admission, KCSE/KCPE results or names.
(b) Transaction file: It is a temporary file used to hold input data during transaction processing and ultimately used to update the master file. A good example of a transaction file is that containing student fee arrears.
(c) Reference File: It is a permanent file that is occasionally used as a point of reference or look-up for information that is stored in a separate and is relevant to the file transactions currently taking place. An example of reference file in school is a file having student details like Parent's/ guardian details.
(d) Backup file: The file is used to store duplicate copies of existing files especially in the computer's fixed storage media.
(e) Report file: It is a file containing sets of records extracted from the master file and generates summaries from the data. Example of report file can be a End of Term Report form file.
(f) Sort file: It is a file created from transaction or master files and contains records which is arranged in a particular order such as ascending or descending order.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on April 18, 2018 at 06:08
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