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What are the file organization methods?


Discuss the file organization methods.



(a) Indexed sequential file organization: In this method, records are stored and accessed in sequential order but using an index of each record generated using an algorithm. This method is ideal for Magnetic disks like hard disk and optical disks like DVD and CDs.

(b) Random or direct file organization method: In this method, records in a file are stored and accessed directly or randomly with no relationship between contagious records. In order to access and read a record, an algorithm is applied to the key field to generate the record location from where the record is directly retrieved. This method is ideal for Magnetic disks like hard disk and optical disks like DVD and CDs.

(c) Serial file organization method: In this method, records are stored and accessed one after the other serially in an unsorted manner with no regard to the sequence. This method is ideal for Magnetic tapes.

(d) Sequential file organization method: In this method, records are stored and accessed one after the other in a sequential sorted order. This method is ideal for magnetic tapes.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on April 18, 2018 at 06:38

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