Maize flowers manufacture a huge amount of light, smooth and powdery pollen grains to make easy to be carried by the wind to cause pollination.
• The flowers are borne in large inflorescence but are undersized and not easily seen.
• The stigmas of a maize flower are large and feathery and they suspend outside the flower.
• This feature provides a large surface area for pollination and increases the chances of trapping pollen grains in the air.
• Zea Mays flower has long style which makes the feathery stigma striking.
• The anther is large and loosely attached to long filaments. They hang out of the flower, making itself readily available to the wind. These characteristics make easy the dispersal of pollen grains.
• The flower of zea Mays just like other insect pollinated flowers dull colored.
(b)(i)Territoriality is defined as the ability of a variety of species of animals to display a highly developed social hierarchy in which the most senior, the most powerful or the biggest in number occupies a dominant position over the territory. In this special consideration, a few males that are weak may be incapable of mating, for this reason there is reduction in the population and the offsprings within that specific territory will then be able to have enough food to sustain them. When mating is kept under control, the animals may disappear completely and there will be increase in the chances of having mates among the animals.
(ii) Display is a situation where animals make use of specific behaviour in order to attract the opposite sex. Display involves every type of movement starting from colour display, dancing, nodding, strutting, plumage display and so on. These behaviors lead to courtship relationship which comes before mating.
(iii) Seasonal migration is the movement of animals which normally occur at certain time of the year or on a regular basis for some reasons, which includes breeding, to look for nourishment to sustain their life, to move away from dry sphere, and so on. Fishes travel upstream into their territories for breeding. This is very significant as it keeps the smaller fishes safe and prevents them from being eaten up by the bigger ones. Migration results to population control due to the fact that a lot of birds may meet unfavorable environmental condition and die before returning to their original place. It as well results in the reduction of the number of predators as a result of migration when their prey do not exist any longer. The preys proliferate rapidly in number when they return as a result of nonexistence of their predators or enemies.
adhixbelly answered the question on April 18, 2018 at 09:33
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