a) Gland: Thyroid
•Increases the rate of metabolism
b) Gland: Parathyroid
Hormone:Parathyroid hormone
•Regulates calcium and phosphate levels
c) Gland: Pituitary
i) Hormone:Growth hormone
•Regulates growth of the body
ii) Gonadotrophic hormone
•Stimulates the growth of male and female organs
iii) Lactogenic hormone (prolactine)
•Stimulates secretion of milk after child birth
iv) Thyrotropic hormone( TSH)
•proper functioning of thyroid •glands/thyroxine production
v) Thyrotropic hormone( TSH)
•Proper functioning of thyroid glands/thyroxine production
vi) Adrenocorthicotropic hormone (ACTH)
•stimulate release of adrenal cortex hormone
vii) Oxytocine hormone
•Regulates blood pressure
•Stimulates smooth muscles
•Stimulates contraction of uterus during child birth
•aids flow of milk from mammary glands
viii) Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
•Causes maturition of egg in females
•stimulates sperm production in male
ix) Vasopressin (ADH) antidiuretic hormone
•regulates water balance by kidney
d) Gland: adrenal
Hormone :
i) Adrenaline (epinephrine hormone)
•for emergency
•prepares body to cope up with stress
ii) Aldosterone hormone
•maintain balance of salt and water in blood.
iii) cortisone hormone
•break down the stored proteins to amino acids
•aids in the break down of adipose tissue
•regulates sugar levels in the blood
•prevents inflammation
iv) sex hormone
•supplements sex hormones produced by gonads
•promotes development of sexual characteristics
e) Gland: Pancreas
i) insulin
•regulates levels of sugar in blood
•enables liver to store sugars
ii) Glucagon
•regulates levels of sugar in blood
f) Gland: ovaries
i) Oestrogen Function:
•causes secondary sexual characteristics in female
•prepares the uterus for pregnancy
ii) progesterone Function:
•growth of mucus lining of uterus
•maintains the uterus during pregnancy
g) Gland:testes
Hormone:Androgen testosterone
•Causes secondary sexual characteristics in male
h) Gland: stomach cells
•Stimulates release of gastric juice
i) Gland:intestinal cells
stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice
Anganifelix answered the question on April 18, 2018 at 10:27
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