-Pinna is funnel shaped allows collection of sound waves and channels them down the auditory canal/auditory mateus.
-Auditory canal is a tube that concentrates and directs sound waves to tympanic membrane/tympanum/eardrum.
-Eardrum is thin and tight. It sets into vibration/vibrates/converts sound waves into vibrations.
-The vibrations are transmitted to the ear ossicles/malleus, incus and stapes that amplify the sound vibrations.
-The vibrations are then transmitted to the fennestra ovalis/oval window.
-Oval window is a membrane which amplifies/transmits vibrations to the ?uids (perilymph and endolymph) then to cochlea.
-The cochlea is coiled to occupy a small space and accommodate a large number of sensory cells.
-The sensory cells/hairs (in the cochlea) are set into vibrations/stimulated producing nerve impulses in the auditory nerve.
-Impulses in the auditory nerve are transmitted to the brain for interpretation for hearing.
-Eustachian tube connects the inner ear to the throat. It equalizes air pressure in the middle ear with the atmospheric air pressure (in outer ear).
-Fennestra rotundus/round window dissipates/discharges/discards vibrations from inner ear to middle ear.
Anganifelix answered the question on April 18, 2018 at 11:50
- What is the functions of the human ear? (Solved)
What is the functions of the human ear?
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