Different people treat women differently,some are treated in a proper way and others as lesser beings in the society.In many African communities,the woman is treated as a lesser being mainly expected to be subordinate to her male counterparts.,the woman is denied equal opportunities with their counterparts.
In the Masaai community,a woman is expected to have no say in as far as marriage is concerned.It is a man who is supposed to choose a woman of their choice to marry,and thereafter approaches her parents to seek for her hand in marriage..If the parents agree to that then the girl will have no choice but to agree to marry that particular man.This was clearly seen in the book when Ole Kaelo spotted his wife when she was eighteen,approached her parents who gave consent to his proposal.Their daughter was never consulted ,but accepted him without any resistance.It is this accepted way of life which makes Ole Kaelo assume that his daughter Resian would simply go with Oloisudori makes the demand,Ole Kaelo is worried of how to break the news to Resian and doesn't appear bothered that she might resist.
A woman is supposed to be submissive and never question her husband even when he makes wrong decisions.This is the case with Ole Kaelo who proposes that Mama Milanoi begins counselling the girls to prepare them for circumcision,she could not question him even when she felt that was wrong for her daughters.
When a girl is being trained on how to carry herself,it is solely so that she can be a good wife to her future husband.This is proven from the conversation between Mama Milanoi and the girls.
A male child appears to be more valued than a girl child.When Ole Kaelo was expecting the second child,he had hoped that it could be a boy,but a girl was born.This made him develop hatred to the girl,Resian never enjoyed the love of a father.Mama Milanoi thinks that she had failed miserably by not giving him a baby boy.She hopes that GOD will still bless her with a son.
When the Ole Kaelo's move to Nasila,Ole Kaelo seeks the help of Joseph Parmuat to help Taiyo and Resian learn the ways of the Maa people so that they would become responsible women in the society.This portrays how women are looked down upon such that it is a man who is trusted to train women on howto be women of integrity.
Women are forced to have to go through circumcision so as to qualify as wives. Oloisudori demands that Resian will have to face the knife before he takes her as a wife.When Resian escapes he asks to have Taiyo instead. This is what causes the forceful circumcision of Taiyo
marto answered the question on April 19, 2018 at 06:30
- What had forced Ole Kaelo's family to relocate to Nasila. Base your answer on Blossoms of the Savannah(Solved)
What had forced Ole Kaelo's family to relocate to Nasila. Base your answer on Blossoms of the Savannah.
Date posted: April 18, 2018. Answers (1)
- Discuss theme of tradition as manifested in Blossoms of the Savannah?(Solved)
Theme of traditions has been majorly touched in the Blossoms of the Savannah,with reference to the novel,give instances when it was well illustrated.
Date posted: April 18, 2018. Answers (1)
- Give the synopsis of the novel Blossoms of the Savannah by H.R Ole Kulet.(Solved)
Give the synopsis of the novel Blossoms of the Savannah by H.R Ole Kulet.
Date posted: April 18, 2018. Answers (1)
- Give the relevance of the Title Blossoms of the Savannah.(Solved)
Give the relevance of the Title Blossoms of the Savannah.
Date posted: April 17, 2018. Answers (1)
- Greed and materialism are the source of all evil in the society. Support this with illustration from the novel Blossoms of Savannah.(Solved)
Greed and materialism are the source of all evil in the society. Support this with illustration from the novel Blossoms of Savannah.
Date posted: April 17, 2018. Answers (1)
- Oloisudori is a despicable character.Justify this statement basing your answer on the novel Blossoms of the Savannah.(Solved)
Oloisudori is a despicable character.Justify this statement basing your answer on the novel Blossoms of the Savannah.
Date posted: April 17, 2018. Answers (1)
- "What do you mean?" In page 61,62 in the excerpt, if she aligned herself with a person who Nasila regarded as having such an obnoxious...(Solved)
In page 61,62 in the excerpt,if she aligned herself with a person who Nasila regarded as having such an obnoxious reputation where would her marriage stand? a)Place the excerpt in its immediate context b)Explain the three themes in the excerpt 6 marks c)illustrate the use of allusion and explain its use.3 marks
d)Why was Minik ene Nkoitoi regarded as a devil incarnatein Naisela?2 marks
e)Give two character traits of Mama Milanoi that are brought out in this excerpt.4 marks
f)Rewrite in reported speech " What do you mean?" 1 mark
Date posted: April 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- Read the following excerpt carefully and then answer the questions that follow.(Solved)
Old man, left:(suspiciously)Is this us?
Old man,right:(amid laughter):How could it be a way of influencing you,Surab,you the valley thief?Everyone knows you will take the cheese and the valley too.(laughter.)All i expected from you is an honest answer.Do you like the cheese.
Old man.left:The answer is yes.
Old man,right:Really.(Bitterly)I might have known you knew nothing ab out cheese.
Old man,left:Why?when I tell you I like it?
Old man,right:Because you cant like it.Because our goats don't like the new grass.The grazing land over there is no good,whatever the young folks say.You can't live there.It doesn't even smell of morning in the morning.(several people laugh)Please put that in your report.
Delegate:Don't mind them;they got your point .After all,why does a man love his country?Because the bread tastes better there,there,the air smells better.Voices sound stronger ,the sky is higher ,the ground is easier to walk on. Isn't that so?
Old man,right:The valley belongs to us by law.
Girl Tractorist;In any case,the laws must be re examined to see if they they are still right.
Old man,right:That goes without saying.But doesn't it make a difference what kind of neighbors you have ?We want to come back just to have you as our neighbors,valley thieves!you can all laugh again.
Old man,left:(laughing):Then why don't you listen to what your neighbor,Kato Vatchang,our agriculturalist,has to say about the valley.
Peasant Woman,right:comrade specialist,we're not horse trading.I can't take your cap, hand you another and say this one's better.It may be better ,but you prefer your own.
Girl tractorist:A piece of land is not a cap-not in our country,comrade.
Delegate: Don't get angry.Its true a piece of land.In any event,what we need to know is exactly what you people would do with the valley if you had it.(To those on the left)
Others :Yes ,let Kato speak.
Adapted from the Caucasian chalk circle.
a)Give a brief account of what led to what is happening in this excerpt.(4 marks)
b)In your own words state what the OLD MAN to the right's argument is.(3 marks)
c)What does the OLD MAN to the right imply by,"Everyone knows you will take the cheese and the valley,too"?(2 marks)
d)According to the soldier to the left,not so long ago,people didn't have ................freedom.(Fill in the blank space with the most appropriate words.) 1 mark
e)Basing your answer on what transpires in this excerpt,describe the character and role of delegates.(4 marks)
f)What is the theme of this excerpt?(2 marks)
g)Describe the mood of the gathering.(2 marks0
h)What is the significance of this meeting in relation to the message of the play?(2 marks)
i)"I can't take your cap,hand you another,and say,this ones's better (1 mark)
j)Outline Kato's points that comes immediately after this excerpt (3 marks)
Date posted: April 14, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe the events that take place in chapter four of Blossoms of Savannah(Solved)
Describe the events that take place in chapter four of Blossoms of Savannah.
Date posted: April 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- How can one know that audience are attentive when reciting poem?(Solved)
How can one know that audience are attentive when reciting poem?
Date posted: April 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- Why the title Blossoms of the Savannah?(Solved)
Why the title Blossoms of the Savannah?
Date posted: April 12, 2018. Answers (1)
- What forced Kaelo's family to relocate to Nasila(Solved)
What forced Kaelo's family to relocate to Nasila
Date posted: April 6, 2018. Answers (1)
- Name three types of oral narratives(Solved)
Name three types of oral narratives.
Date posted: April 6, 2018. Answers (1)
- Highlight 10 Maa cultures portrayed in blossoms of the Savannah(Solved)
Highlight 10 Maa cultures portrayed in blossoms of the Savannah.
Date posted: April 5, 2018. Answers (1)
- Define and make short notes on the following literary terms: character and characterization(Solved)
Define and make short notes on the following literary terms: character and characterization.
Date posted: April 3, 2018. Answers (1)
- Features of dilemma narrative(Solved)
Features of dilemma narrative.
Date posted: April 2, 2018. Answers (1)
- Discuss four themes in Caucasian Chalk Circle(Solved)
Discuss four themes in Caucasian Chalk Circle.
Date posted: March 21, 2018. Answers (1)
- Is oral literature important or useful in modern society? Using specific examples demonstrate your view either for or against the statement.(Solved)
Is oral literature important or useful in modern society? Using specific examples demonstrate your view either for or against the statement.
Date posted: March 17, 2018. Answers (1)
- Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow:
My jumbo
Shot its way
Across the sky
To distant lands
Across blue seas.
I descended the...(Solved)
Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow:
My jumbo
Shot its way
Across the sky
To distant lands
Across blue seas.
I descended the ladder
To a waiting ribbon
Of blood-red carpet
A quick glance at my
Three piece suit
And the tie
That beautifully strangled my neck.
On my left hand hang
My beaded knobkerrie
On my right clutched
My rusty inter-Nation begging Bowl
On my face I wore humility and need
And of course dignity.
Sir, the dearth of food
Has rendered by people thin
And hungry
Scoop us a little
You know,
Just a little,
To keep them till next rains’
‘But Sir, beggars
In three piece
Are a rare sight
But your suit is beautiful
- Honestly
Now my suit
Which cost me a fortune
In a Parisian Textile
Has denied me a fortune
And my countrymen, lie.
L.O. Sunkuli
a) Who is the persona in this poem?
b) What is the subject matter of this poem?
c) Explain the satire in this poem and comment on its effectiveness.
d) Describe the tone of the poem.
e) Explain what the last stanza implies.
f) Explain the meaning of the following lines as used in the poem.
i) My Jumbo
Shots its way
Across the sky
ii) That beautifully strangled my neck.
iii) To keep them till next rains.
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
A boy learns from his father without even realizing that he is learning. He...(Solved)
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
A boy learns from his father without even realizing that he is learning. He associates with his father’s masculinity and learns what it entails.
Children are always making decisions. They watch what happens around them and decide what to do to find belonging and connection. They do not automatically mimic the behavior and values of their parents as they are thinking and feeling people who decide for themselves what works.
A father’s role in raising children has changed dramatically with modernization of the society. In past generations, sons were groomed to follow their father’s footsteps, apprenticing at work and adopting their outlook to life.
Nowadays, fathers go out to work wherever their skills take them or where work can be found. Many boys grow up yearning for the closeness with their fathers.
The father is someone who comes to eat, sometimes looks over homework, hears about the son’s infractions of the day and watches television then goes to bed.
Parenting has become a mother’s business while father is out there eking a living. Research shows that fathers are an integral part of their son’s healthy emotional, physical and cognitive growth.
Boys whose fathers love them can demonstrate that love in consistent caring ways, have fewer problems later in life with their peers or in their studies and do not display delinquent behavior.
But teaching a young man how to become a man involves more than just being there. It is a conscious process of mentoring, training and connection that creates a desire for a boy to become the kind of a man we hope he will become.
Many factors come into play, especially in the boy’s formative stage. Recently, I was speaking to a gentleman who in retrospect ascribes his violent behavior to anger brought about by the ill treatment of his mother by his father.
One of the most important influences a father can have on his son is largely through the quality of relationship with the mother. A father who relates well with the mother of his children is more likely to have sons who are psychologically and emotionally healthier. Fathers who treat the mother of their sons with respect and deal with any conflict within the relationship in an appropriate manner are more likely to have boys who understand how women should be treated. They are less likely to be aggressive towards women.
Children with involved, caring fathers have better education outcomes. Fathers often push for achievement, while mothers stress on the boy’s well-being, both of which are important for healthy development.
A study of children of school-going age found that boys with involved fathers have fewer social behaviour problems and are likely to have good emotional health, to be high achievers and avoid drug use, violence and delinquent behavior.
(Adapted from the Standard Sunday Magazine 29th June, 2014)
a) Mention any two things that show that a father’s presence is important in a boy’s life.
b) How does a boy learn from his father?
c) How do children find belonging and connection?
d) Make notes on the ways in which a father can positively influence his son.
e) Many factors come to play (Supply a question tag)
f) Nowadays many fathers go to work wherever their skills take them.
(Rewrite in the present perfect continuous tense)
g) What does teaching a young man involve?
h) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage.
1) Mimic
2) Masculinity
3) Groomed
4) Retrospect
i) Supply a suitable title for the passage.
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)