Which factors promoted the Indian Ocean trade?
(a) Availability of items of trade from the east African coast and foreigner countries. For
example, ivory, slaves, cotton and porcelain.
(b) The high demand for trade items from the coast by consumers from the outside world was
also a promoting factor. This was caused by the uneven distribution of resources. Foreign items
were also on demand at the coat.
(c) The existence of enterprising merchants in both the foreign lands and the east African coast
led to promotion of trade links. The Akamba, Mijikenda, Nyamwezi and Swahili middlemen for
example played a pivoted role in the trade.
(d) The existence of local trade among Africans which acted as a base upon which the Indian
Ocean trade was developed.
(e) The accessibility of the east African coast by sea. This enabled the foreigner traders to reach
the region across the Indian Ocean.
(f) The existence of the monsoon winds facilitated the movement of the vessels which made it
possible for the traders to travel to and from the coast.
(g) The existence of peace and political stability at the east African coast created a conducive
atmosphere for business transactions. Where there was need, the traders were given security by
the sultan of Zanzibar.
(h) The existence of natural harbours along the coast ensured safe docking of the trade vessels
for fueling and off-loading.
(i) The advancement in the ship building technology in Europe gave great advantage to the
traders. This made water transport reliable and regular.
(j) The existence o the Indian Banyans (money lenders) who gave credit facilities enabled many
more people to join the trade.
Real Educator answered the question on April 20, 2018 at 04:45
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