i) Africans were dissatisfied with how European missionaries interpreted the scriptures.
ii) Africans were against the European disrespect of the African culture for example, female circumcision and polygamy.
iii) Africans wanted to Africanise Christianity that is, continue practising their culture and traditions in worship.
iv) Africans desired to become leaders in African independent churches and schools since this was denied to them in mission churches and schools
v) African perceived European Christian missionaries as agents of colonialism
vi) They were formed to provide enough schools to many Africans who mainly lived in rural areas
vii) It was a political reaction to the colonial oppression, exploitation and repression.
viii) Formed to provide conducive atmosphere where African nationalism could flourish.
Why did Africans start independent schools in Kenya during the colonial period?
i) To provide more educational opportunities for Africans
ii) To have a say/control of what was taught in their schools
iii) To keep away Europeans missionary influence from their schools,
iv) To preserve their cultural heritage/values
v) To create job opportunities fro educated Africans
vi) To sensitize African on the evils of colonialism
johnmulu answered the question on May 11, 2017 at 07:54
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