Describe the bones that form the appendicular skeleton
•Bone:Pectoral girdle (scapular shoulder bone)
-broad i,e flattened blade
-glenoid cavity to articulate with humerous
-metacronium/acromion for muscle attachment
-hard to provide support
-socket with cartilage/smooth surface to reduce friction
-support muscle attachment
-articulate with humerous
-long shaft for muscle attachment
-round head to articulate with glenoid cavity
-trachlea for articulation with ulna
-olecranon fosa to prevent arm bending the other way
-muscle attachment
•Bone:Ulna and radius
-ulna longer and on side of little finger
-has sigmoid notch and olecranon process to form hinge joint with humerous
-radius is smaller and lies along thumb side and does not join ulna.
-allows articulation with wrist bone
-muscle attachment
•Bone:pelvic girdle (hip bone)
-composed of three fused bones ilium, ischium, pubis
-upper end fused to sacrum
-lower end has acetabalum for articulation with femur
-has abturator
-muscle attachment
-absorbs pressure exerted by ground when animals move
-rounded head to fit in acetabalum of pelvis
-projections called trochanter for attachment of thigh muscles
-condyles at lower end for articulation with tibia
-patella that covers knee and prevent leg from bending backwards
-muscle attachment
•Bone:tibia and fibula
-tibia is longer than fibula
-tibia is outer bone and fibula is inner bone
-tibia lies on the side of large toe
-fibula is fussed to tibia on (outer side)
-muscle attachment
Anganifelix answered the question on April 19, 2018 at 10:55
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