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Describe the trials of Jesus.


Describe the trials of Jesus.



1. Jesus before the Sanhedrin.
- He was asked if he was Christ.
- He responded that they would not believe him.
- He said that soon he would be seated in the right hand of mighty God.
- They asked him if he was the son of God.
- He responded that they have said so.

2. Jesus before the Pilate.
- Pilate asked him if he was king of Jews and Jesus replied that he had said so.
- Pilate told the Sanhedrin that he had seen no crime in him.

3. Jesus before Herod.
- Herod was glad to see him and expected some sign from him.
- Herod asked him several question and never answered any.
- Hero's and soldiers treated him with contempt and mockery by dressing him in kings attire.

3. Jesus before Pilate.
- Pilate confirmed his innocence Even from Herod not worth dying but only to be chastised.
- Crowd shouted at Pilate to release Barnabas and crucify Jesus.
- Pilate then passes the sentence that peoples demand be done in Jesus be crucification.
eddynightsy answered the question on April 19, 2018 at 11:20

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