Ileum is the lower part of the small intestine and the largest section of the alimentary canal. The inner walls of the ileum contain secretory cells, some of which secrete mucus and others secrete an alkaline fluid known as internal juice or succus enetericus. The arrival of chyme in the ileum stimulates the secretion of intestinal juice. The juice contains four enzymes that carry out digestive functions as follows:- maltase; speeds up the breakdown of maltose to glucose, sucrase; speeds up the breakdown of sucrose into glucose and fructose, peptidase; beaks down peptides into amino acids,lipase; breaks down lipids into fatty acids and glycerols. The process of digestion is therefore completed in the ileum. The resulting watery emulsion of food is called chyle and contains soluble products of digestion ready to be absorbed. The entire canal is lined with epithelial membrane that contains goblet cells which secrete mucus. The mucus allows smooth movement of food materials and also coats the wall of the alimentary canal thus protecting it from being digested by the enzymes.
eddynightsy answered the question on April 19, 2018 at 11:41
- State the characteristics of movable joints (Solved)
State the characteristics of movable joints
Date posted: April 19, 2018. Answers (1)
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i) What is a joint?
ii) State the functions of joints
iii) Name the main types of joints
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Describe the bones that form the appendicular skeleton
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Describe how the various vertebrae are adapted to their functions
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Describe the formation of urine until it is eventually removed from human body.
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Name the bones of the vertebral column
Date posted: April 19, 2018. Answers (1)
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i) State the functions of the vertebral column
ii) State the general characteristics of vertebrae
Date posted: April 19, 2018. Answers (1)
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Describe how carbon dioxide produced by respiring muscle cells reaches the alveolar cavities in mammalian lungs.
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Name three stains used in microscopy.
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Name the main parts of the vertebral column giving the types of bones found in each part
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Explain how a finned fish is adapted to locomotion in water.
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Explain how a fish is adapted to living in water
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Explain the importance of having an endoskeleton.
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Give the reasons why support is necessary in animals.
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Explain how support in plants is achieved
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State the importance of support in plants.
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State the importance of support systems in living organisms.
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State what would happen if auditory nerve was completely damaged.
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Explain how the structure of the human ear performs the function of balancing.
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How are the structures of the human ear suited to perform the function of hearing?
Date posted: April 18, 2018. Answers (1)