Trade:early inhabitants of Kenya were involved in some kind of trade with their neighbours. Through trade they exchanged what theyvhad with what they did not produce.For example,Luhya traded with the Luo for items such as fish and basketry in exchange for grains and other products
Crop cultivation:the early inhabitants involved themselves in crop farming.They grew crop such as cassava,sorghum,millet among other crops
Livestock keeping:Most of the early inhabitants kept domestic animals such as cattle,sheep and goats.These animals provided them with milk,meat and skin.Also dowry was paid in form of livestock.
Fishing:This was an economic activity found only among the early inhabitants who lived along the rivers.For example the Luo and Luhya practised fishing in lake Victoria.
Iron working: early inhabitants made iron implements such as spears,knives,how's etc
Hunting and gathering:This was done to supplement their food.Wild fruitsvand herbs were valued and animals. were hunted for meat
Real Educator answered the question on April 20, 2018 at 04:22
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