Briefly explain the following modes of nutrients; 1. Saprophytism 2. Mutualism 3. Holozoic


Briefly explain the following modes of nutrients;
1. Saprophytism
2. Mutualism
3. Holozoic



1. Saprophytism: This is a feeding behaviour where an organism (saprophyte) obtains its nourishment from decaying or dead organic matter.

2. Mutualism: This is where there is dependency and coexistence between two organisms or between a plant and an organism for instance leguminous plant such as pea beans nodules and the bacteria in those nodules.

3. Holozoic: This is a type of nutrition characterized by animals where solid complex substances are obtained from other organism ingested, digested and assimilated in the body.
eddynightsy answered the question on April 20, 2018 at 08:06

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