Explain the role of the kidney in the purification of blood.


Explain the role of the kidney in the purification of blood.



The role of the kidney in the purification of blood is done by the nephron. Blood rich in nitrogenous, plasma proteins and mineral ions, hormones and oxygen enters the kidney via renal artery a branch of the dorsal aorta. Due to the narrowness of the afferent arteriole resistance of blood flow and back pressure create high pressure within the glomerulus, also renal artery branches directly from the dorsal aorta whose blood is at high pressure within the glomerulus which forces the liquid part of the blood and dissolved substances of low molecular sizes including urea, glucose, salt and amino acids are forced out of the glomerulus leaving the large size molecules in the plasma such as proteins and blood cells not filtered. Hence only blood rich in plasma proteins remains and has little water.
eddynightsy answered the question on April 20, 2018 at 09:02

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