What is involved in Preparation of the Field Study?
Preparation of the Field Study
It involves:
a) Seek Permission from Relevant Authorities
-Seeking permission from school and authority in the area you are visiting.
It is important to:
- To avoid being denied permission to enter there
- Enables individuals to set early the suitable date and time of visit
- Helps to arrange for a guide to conduct you around
b) Conduct Reconnaissance (Pre-Visit)
-A familiarization tour of the intended area of study.
It is important to:
- To determine appropriate routes to be taken
- Enables to get documents from officials
- Helps one to identify the appropriate methods of data collection
- Helps to identify appropriate equipment to be used
c) Hold Discussion In Class
-Looking through formulated objectives and hypotheses.
It’s important to:
- Determine their suitability
- Make adjustments
- Decide upon data recording methods
d) Preparation of a Questionnaire
) Preparation of a Questionnaire
-Important where the interviewer is not able to be with respondents for a long time.
e) Dividing Into Groups
- To ease congestion in the area of study
- To create order during field work
- To reduce fatigue among participants
- To help participants collect data within the time given
f) Preparation for Documents
- Topographical maps to show the routes you will follow
- Tables for filling in information
- Permission documents
g) Reading Through Relevant Books
-Reading about the topic and the area of study
Important in that it helps participants to know:
- The kind of data they need to collect
- The techniques to be employed in the field.
h) Preparation of a Work Schedule
-A timetable to be followed on the day of field study.
It is important to:
- Indicate the specific time when each activity should take place
- Reduce time wastage by ensuring proper time management
- Ensure all important areas are covered and none is forgotten
-Provide an estimate of total time required for study
i) Selection of Important Tools and Equipment
-Tape measure and rulers for measuring, pencils for drawing sketch maps, notebooks for writing notes, polythene bag for sorting and carrying samples, cameras for taking photographs, geological hammer getting rock samples and hoe for digging to get soil samples.
dantanoquido answered the question on April 24, 2018 at 15:47
- Differentiate between summer and winter solstice(Solved)
Differentiate between summer and winter solstice.
Date posted: April 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- State the reasons why you would do a pre-visit to the area of data recording(Solved)
State the reasons why you would do a pre-visit to the area of data recording.
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State reasons why marine fisheries in Kenya are undeveloped.
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Differentiate between management and conservation of energy.
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Briefly explain the role of hydroelectric power in the economy.
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Name the main regions where geothermal power is generated in Kenya.
Date posted: April 21, 2018. Answers (1)
- State the significance of energy in Kenya.
State the significance of energy in Kenya.
Date posted: April 21, 2018. Answers (1)
- Give reasons why road transport is popular in East Africa compared to railway transport(Solved)
Give reasons why road transport is popular in East Africa compared to railway transport.
Date posted: April 21, 2018. Answers (1)
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Masinga serves as an important part of the seven folks scheme. Give the importance of the dam.
Date posted: April 20, 2018. Answers (1)
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Highlight the human factors that have favoured the construction of HEP dams in both Kenya and Uganda.
Date posted: April 20, 2018. Answers (1)
- State the physical factors that have favoured the development of HEP projects in both Kenya and Uganda. (Solved)
State the physical factors that have favoured the development of HEP projects in both Kenya and Uganda.
Date posted: April 20, 2018. Answers (1)
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Apart from the seven folks scheme, name other hydroelectric power projects in Kenya.
Date posted: April 20, 2018. Answers (1)
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State the power stations that have been identified under the seven folks scheme along river Tana.
Date posted: April 20, 2018. Answers (1)
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Before independence the demand for electricity in Kenya was not much. Give a reason for this.
Date posted: April 20, 2018. Answers (1)
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Give the uses of nuclear, mechanical and electrical energy harnessed from uranium.
Date posted: April 20, 2018. Answers (1)
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Highlight the disadvantages of harnessing uranium as a source of energy.
Date posted: April 20, 2018. Answers (1)
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Highlight the disadvantages of harnessing natural gas as a source of energy.
Date posted: April 20, 2018. Answers (1)
- State the advantages of using natural gas as a source of energy. (Solved)
State the advantages of using natural gas as a source of energy.
Date posted: April 20, 2018. Answers (1)
- Highlight the disadvantages of coal as a source of energy. (Solved)
Highlight the disadvantages of coal as a source of energy.
Date posted: April 19, 2018. Answers (1)
- Discuss the four major types of coal.(Solved)
Discuss the four major types of coal.
Date posted: April 19, 2018. Answers (1)