Usability is one of the key concepts in HCI. It is concerned with making systems easy to learn and
use. A usable system is:
? easy to learn
? easy to remember how to use
? effective to use
? efficient to use
? safe to use
? enjoyable to use
To produce computer systems with good usability, we need to understand the factors that determine
how people operate and make use of computer technology effectively, and to translate that
understanding into the development of tools and techniques to help designers ensure that computer
systems are suitable for the activities for which people will use them, in order to achieve efficient,
effective, and safe interaction both in terms of individual human-computer interaction and group
Universal usability – ability to recognize the needs of a diverse user group. Design for plasticity
(transformation of content). Can be used on any type of display.
Sticky notes – is an accessory reminding user of important activities, dates, places, and so on, all
over your desk? Some people even line the edges of their computer monitor with these reminders.
Open Sticky Notes by clicking the Start button, All Programs, Accessories, and Sticky Notes
Snipping tool - is an accessory that enables you to capture a screen display so that you can save,
annotate, or share it. A common practice is to capture an error message to report a problem to a help
desk or other troubleshooting group. Click the Start button, All Programs, Accessories, and Snipping
Tool to open the accessory.
Taskbar - provides you with access to the software applications, enables you to move between the
applications, and gives you access to system resources. It is a horizontal bar that appears at the
bottom of the screen.
Moraa orina answered the question on April 23, 2018 at 17:57
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What is a table in computer science.?
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What is a primary key?
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