Explain the functions of education management


Explain the functions of education management.



• Influence and stimulate human resources. In influencing, the educational manager provides an appropriate organizational climate and enabling environment which gives the staff and students the assurance that human factor is recognized in the school.
• Organization and coordination of activities for the school. The manager does the function of organizing by ensuring that both staff (teaching and non-teaching staff) and students are allocated duties in accordance with their expertise and abilities.
• Procure resources necessary for the achievement of objectives. An educational manager should be able to identify sources of funds, the appropriating learning and friendly human resources. After identification the educational manager should ensure that these resources are procured in a good time for successful achievement of objectives.
• Formulation of sound policies and objectives. Educational manager ensures that policies and objectives of the school are clearly stipulated and well known to both the occupants and the society.
• Integrate the school and its activities into the setup of the society. The educational manager does this through BOMs and PTA councils, church organizations and participating in various activities of the community.
• Evaluate the school activities in accordance to the blueprint. This enables the school to determine whether it is achieving its predetermined objectives or not. It provides the school management with the necessary feedback for improvement, re-designed or complete over whole of the system for better results.

skilled writter answered the question on April 23, 2018 at 18:15

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