Explain the principles /Factors affecting/supporting Usability


Explain the principles /Factors affecting/supporting Usability



Principles /Factors affecting/supporting Usability
Usability principles (Nielsen 2001)
The main factors affecting usability are:
? Consistency standards - Similar operations and elements
? Learn ability - the ease with which new users can use the system effectively
? Flexibility - the multiplicity of ways the user and the system exchange information
? Effectiveness - the level of support provided to the user to achieve successfully its goals
Constraints (Format of input) - Restricting user actions to those relevant to the stage of
? Feedback – This is sending information to the user about what has been done. This may
done by use of sound, highlighting, animation etc. Thus, systems should provide adequate
feedback to users
? Visibility – This is the mapping of a control and its effects. E.g. controls in cars are generally
visible. The steering wheel has just one function. The more visible functions are, the more
likely users will know what to do next
? Affordance - Affordance refers to an attribute of an object that allows people to know how to
use it. E.g. a mouse button affords/invites pushing, a door handle affords pulling etc. The
important factor for design is perceived affordance – what a person thinks can be done with
an object. For example, does the design of a door suggest that it should be pushed or pulled
open? i.e Object attributes should provide clues to how they should be used
? Mappings - Relationship between controls
• Match between system and the real world
• User control and freedom
• Help users recognize, diagnose and recover from errors
• Error prevention
• Recognition rather than recall
• Aesthetic and minimalist design
? Help and documentation
Moraa orina answered the question on April 23, 2018 at 18:21

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