According to Matthew 6:9-13 Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray and this is what is referred to as the Lord's prayer. In this prayer christians learn that;
1. God is their father - From the phrase 'our father who art in heaven ' Christians get to understand that God is their Heavenly Father so they should approach the throne or rather pray with the confidence that they are presenting their request to their father.
2.God's will supersedes their will. Christians learn that as much as they have their own free will and they may want certain things to happen in a certain way, God's will is superior and they should give room for His will to be done.
3.God is a provider. 'Give us this day our daily bread ' Here christians learn that God can provide for them what they need, other than peace, joy love and other intangible gifts God is able to provide for them their physical needs such as food.
4. They should forgive. "Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us". Christians learn that they need to forgive those who have wronged them in order to be forgiven by God. They get to understand that they cannot expect God to forgive them their sins if they cannot forgive those who sin against them.
5.Temptations will be there. "Lead us not into temptation " The Lord's prayer makes christians to be aware that in their walk of salvation they will definitely experience some challenges or they will be tempted along the way.
6. God is able to deliver them out of any situation. They also learn that though they will be tempted, God is able to deliver them from the evil one.
7. God is all powerful - Christian Learn that all power and glory belong to God. "for yours is the kingdom, the power and glory now and forever more".
Ara Akinyi answered the question on April 26, 2018 at 18:13
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