Describe ways in which Christians can assist victims of disaster


Describe ways in which Christians can assist victims of disaster.



Christians are called upon to be Christ like, Jesus Christ in His preaching told the multitude that whatever they did to the least of His brothers they do it to Him.
In case of disaster Christians should:
1. Pray for the victims - prayer is very important especially when someone is going through a rough situation, it provides hope and a sense of being cared for.
2. Provide emotional support for the victims, Christians should provide emotional support to help the victims of disaster to handle the situation in a psychologically healthy way so that in the long run they do not develop mental health issues such as post traumatic stress disorder or if they are finding it difficult to grieve Christians through counselling should help them to understand that they need to grieve and help them go through it.
3. Provide basic needs - other than praying and offering emotional and psychological support to the victims, Christians should also provide the basic needs to the victims like food, shelter and clothing.
4. Providing emergency health care services to victims who have been injured before taking them to hospitals. When a disaster occurs people can get injured, Christians should be ready to provide fast aid services to the injured people as they wait for professional health care provider to arrive.
5. Blood donation - Christians who may not be able to provide the basic needs or who are not trained in counseling or fast aid can also help victims of disaster by donating blood to help people who would have lost a lot of blood.
Ara Akinyi answered the question on April 26, 2018 at 17:23

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