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What were some of the characteristics of the coastal towns by 1500 A.D?


Give some of the characteristics of the coastal towns by the year 1500 AD.



1. Houses were constructed using Arabic architecture.
2. Residents used to wear woven silk clothes.
3. Towns minted and used their money/coins.
4. The city states were ruled by sultans/sheikhs/Imams.
5. The city states were independent political entities.
6. City states were divided into two sections, one Muslim and the other Africa.
7. Islamic law was used in administration.
8. Trade was the main economic activity in the towns.
9. Kiswahili was used as the main language of communication.


i) Kiswahili was used as the main medium of communication in the coastal towns

ii) Islam was the main religion practiced in towns

iii) Islamic Law (Sharia) was used in administration

iv) Houses were constructed using Arabic architecture

v) Trade was the main economic activity in the town

vi) In the city, states were generally divided into two sections, one Muslim and the other African class of merchants/Sultan and Sheikh

vii) Imams ruled in the city state

viii) The city states were independent political entities

ix) Town minted and used their own coin money
x) People wore woven and silk clothes
raphael answered the question on December 15, 2016 at 17:35

Mosques, Koranic schools and Islamic monuments were built with Arabic words inscribed on them.
There was rivalry among coastal towns.
Animal rearing and handicraft were practised.
The legal system was comprised of Koran and Sharia law.
Rich class of people was present at the coastal towns.
Mutiso answered the question on December 15, 2016 at 17:49

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