(i) Oppression of the poor
The poor were oppressed by the rich and made them slaves; until they could pay for their debts.
They took excessive shares of the harvest of the poor. The rich therefore showed no value to the poor. Amos told them God was going to punish them because of the unjust ways of acquiring and spending their wealth.
(ii)Corruption and Bribery.
Amos condemned the judges for abusing justice and judging cases in favour of the rich The poor people's cases could not be heard because they were livable to bribe the judges
(iii) Dishonestly
Amos condemned the wealthy merchants who valued their business rather than religious festivals. They used false scales and sold poor quality goods to the poor. They also charged wheat at high interest rates.
(iv) Sexual Immorality and Temple prostitution
Amos condemned sexual immorality which was prevalent in Israel. For example a father and a son could share the same girl sexually. They also practised temple or cultic prostitution which made the temple unholy. Amos warned them that Gods punishment was inevitable.
(v) Greed and luxurious living.
Amos condemned and warned those living luxuriously at the expense of the poor. The wives of the rulers forced their husbands to rob the properties of the poor to get luxuries like strong drinks. Amos warned that such people would face God's punishment.
(vi) Robbery and violence
The prophet warned that those who practiced violence would be destroyed hi the same way an animal caught by a lion is destroyed.
limooh answered the question on May 2, 2018 at 08:53
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