(a) Fore closure: this is a court order which extinguishes the borrower?s
equitable rightto redeem the property. The interest of the borrower in the
property is vested in mortgagee.
(b) Statutory power of sale: this is the right of the mortgagee to sell the security.
This power arises as soon as the legal date for redemption has passed. However, the
following conditions must be satisfied:
(i) A three months notice must have been served on the mortgagor
requiring payment of the outstanding loan and such notice has expired, or
(ii) Interest on the loan is in arrears for two months, or more
(iii) There has been a breach of some other covenant in the mortgage.
(c) Possession of security: this power is rarely exercise because of the rule in WhiteV.
City of London Brewery (1889) that a mortgagee who takes possession must account
to the mortgagor for any loss to property caused by his default.
(d) Suit on Personal Covenant: this is the right of the mortgagee to sue the
mortgagorfor the amount due. The right is generally exercisable if the mortgagor
has executed a personal covenant to repay.
(e) Consolidation: this is the equitable right of a mortgagee in whom several
mortgages are vested to insist that all the mortgages to be redeemed at the same time.
However certain conditions must be fulfilled.
(f) Appointment of receiver: a receiver is treated as an agent of the mortgagor
whobecomes vicariously liable for his default. It is therefore advisable for the
mortagee to appoint a receiver than take possession himself. As his name suggests,
the receiver is appointed to receive all the income from the land to repay the loan
after paying rates, taxes prior claims and his own commission. Any balance is
payable to the mortgagor.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on April 26, 2018 at 09:26
- Discuss the ways in which a pawn can be redeemed.(Solved)
Discuss the ways in which a pawn can be redeemed.
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the main characteristics of a pledge.(Solved)
Explain the main characteristics of a pledge.
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- A contract of sale of goods by sample between Ben and Sally provided that payment of
the goods was to be made on arrival against the...(Solved)
A contract of sale of goods by sample between Ben and Sally provided that payment of
the goods was to be made on arrival against the shipping documents.
Ben, who is the buyer, paid for the goods before he had the opportunity to examine the
goods. Later, on examinations, Ben found that the bulk of the goods did not
correspond with the sample. Explain in detail whether Ben can reject the goods
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- With reference to a contract of sale of goods, explain the implied conditions on the part
of the seller.(Solved)
With reference to a contract of sale of goods, explain the implied conditions on the part
of the seller.
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the four essential aspects of the defence of fair comment in an action for
Explain the four essential aspects of the defence of fair comment in an action for
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain in detail the occasions when a statement would enjoy privilege and hence not
actionable in court.(Solved)
Explain in detail the occasions when a statement would enjoy privilege and hence not
actionable in court.
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Define the term “defamation” and indicate the forms which defamation can take.(Solved)
Define the term “defamation” and indicate the forms which defamation can take.
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- One of the recognized sources of law in a country are the are the Acts of Parliament.
Explain the advantages of Acts of Parliament as a...(Solved)
One of the recognized sources of law in a country are the are the Acts of Parliament.
Explain the advantages of Acts of Parliament as a source of law.
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Most of the legal systems have their origins in ancient customs of the nation. Customs
could therefore be said to be the oldest source of law....(Solved)
Most of the legal systems have their origins in ancient customs of the nation. Customs
could therefore be said to be the oldest source of law. However, in order to gain
recognition and enforcement by the courts, the particular custom should have certain
characteristics. State and explain these characteristics.
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Law is described as a body of rules for guidance of human conduct which is imposed
upon and enforced among the citizens of the state. Discuss(Solved)
Law is described as a body of rules for guidance of human conduct which is imposed
upon and enforced among the citizens of the state. Discuss
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- In relation to the law of Succession, explain the factors that the court will consider when
making provisions for dependants not provided for in a will.(Solved)
In relation to the law of Succession, explain the factors that the court will consider when
making provisions for dependants not provided for in a will.
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Outline the duties of a common carrier.(Solved)
Outline the duties of a common carrier.
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Alex is a customer at Pesa Bank. Three days ago, he visited the bank and complained
that he had noticed from his bank statement that three...(Solved)
Alex is a customer at Pesa Bank. Three days ago, he visited the bank and complained
that he had noticed from his bank statement that three unauthorized withdrawals had
been made and his account debited. Investigations reveal that the withdrawals were
made by Charles. Alex's office messenger who stole Alex's cheque book
made out the payments and subsequently forged Alex's signature.
Explain the legal position of Pesa Bank.
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Janet and Mary entered into a contract in which Janet was to sell a car to Mary, for Sh.
250,000. Unknown to the parties, the car...(Solved)
Janet and Mary entered into a contract in which Janet was to sell a car to Mary, for Sh.
250,000. Unknown to the parties, the car which had been parked at John‟s garage
had been burnt down that morning following a fire outbreak at the garage. Mary had paid
Janet Sh. 100,000 as deposit. She now intends to sue Janet for breach of contract.
Advise Janet.
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Jackson entered into a contract with Jacinta whereby Jackson was to introduce Jacinta to
Tajiri with a view of Tajiri marrying Jacinta. Jackson asked Jacinta to...(Solved)
Jackson entered into a contract with Jacinta whereby Jackson was to introduce Jacinta to
Tajiri with a view of Tajiri marrying Jacinta. Jackson asked Jacinta to give him Sh.
10,000 which she did. Jackson then introduced Jacinta to Tajiri and Tajiri promised to
marry Jacinta in case his wife who was by then very ill in hospital passed away.
However, Tajiri's wife Juliana underwent a successful surgery and fully
recovered from the illness. Tajiri has now refused to marry Jacinta.
Jacinta is aggrieved and wishes to sue Jackson and Tajiri.
Advise her
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Raju appointed Kariuki to transport fresh fish from Mombasa to Nairobi. As Kariuki
was preparing to leave Mombasa for Nairobi, it rained heavily and the Thange...(Solved)
Raju appointed Kariuki to transport fresh fish from Mombasa to Nairobi. As Kariuki
was preparing to leave Mombasa for Nairobi, it rained heavily and the Thange River
Bridge was swept off. As a result, Kariuki chartered a flight to Nairobi to deliver the
fish as he feared the fish would go bad and he was unable to immediately contact Raju.
However, upon arrival in Nairobi and delivery of fish, Raju refused to reimburse
Kariuki charges for the flight.
Kariuki intents to sue Raju.
Advice him.
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- In relation to the Law of Agency, explain circumstances under which an agent may
be held personally liable to third parties.(Solved)
In relation to the Law of Agency, explain circumstances under which an agent may
be held personally liable to third parties.
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Ndolo attended an auction conducted by Fagia Auctioneers Ltd. The auction goods
were displayed in three different lots. However, Ndolo bid for the goods under a
Ndolo attended an auction conducted by Fagia Auctioneers Ltd. The auction goods
were displayed in three different lots. However, Ndolo bid for the goods under a
mistaken belief that he was bidding for all the goods. Eventually when he went to
collect the goods, he found only one lot reserved for him. Ndolo is aggrieved and seeks
your legal advice.
Advise him.
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Outline the circumstances under which the unpaid seller may exercise his right
of lien.(Solved)
Outline the circumstances under which the unpaid seller may exercise his right
of lien.
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain four rules that govern delivery of goods.(Solved)
Explain four rules that govern delivery of goods.
Date posted: April 26, 2018. Answers (1)