State the signi?cance of David as a King of Israel.
- David was chosen and ordained by God.
- He received public anointing at Hebron, where he signed a pact with the elders.
- He received the spirit of God from the time he was anointed.
- He was a military genius and army commander, who was beyond reproach.
- He captured the old fortress of Jerusalem from the Jebusites and made it his capital city.
- He removed the Ark of the Covenant from the house of Abinadab in Shiloh and brought it to Jerusalem
- He was a talented musician and composed many psalms that were used in church worship.
- He possessed a remarkable faith in God.
- He trusted the prophets of God e.g. Nathan
He united the northern and southern tribes into one Israel.
- He was diplomatic, thus establishing good political relations with the neighbouring Kings
- He was a vigorous administrator, who cautiously selected his advisors and counselors.
- Through David, God sent a deliverer, who would protect Israel against all forms of political oppression.
- David ruled over Israel as a whole, administering law and justice to all people.
- David had profound leadership qualities.
- He received great favour from the Deuteronomists, affirming him to be the greatest
Kizito123 answered the question on April 26, 2018 at 11:53
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