Postal rules of acceptance
Where the offeror expressly or by implication authorises the offeree to communicate his
acceptance by post, acceptance is deemed complete when a properly addressed and stamped
letter is posted not withstanding any miscarriage in the course of postage. It is so held in
ByrneV. Van Tienhoven.
In the words of Lindley J in Adams V. Lindsell. “it may be taken a settled that where an offer is
made and accepted by letters sent through the post, the contract is concluded when the letter
accepting the offer is posted even though it never reaches its destination.”
Express authorization
In Adam V. Lindsell the offeror expressly authorized the offeror to use the post. On
Sept 2, 1817 the defendant made an offer the plaintiff to sell a quantify of wood and
required an answer in the “course of the post.” The defendant misdirected letter arrived
on Sept. 5th. The plaintiff accepted the posted letter on the same day. The letter of
acceptance was received by the defendant on Sept. 9th. On sept 8th the defendant sold
the wood to a third party. Question was whether there was a contract between the
It was held that there was a binding contract between the parties conducted on Sept 5th
and the defendant was liable in damages for breach of contract.
Implied authorization
In Household Fine insurance Co. V. Grant, Grant posted a letter on Sept 30th 1874
offering to buy 100 shares in the plaintiff company. On Oct. 20th 1874 the company
secretary made out of a letter of allotment of 100 shares in favour of Grant and entered
his name in the register of members.
The letter was posted but never reached Grant. Grant refused to take up the shares and
was sued by the company for the amount due on the shares. Grant argued that he was
not a member since his offer had not been accepted. However, it was held that he was
liable as a binding contract came into existence when the letter of allotment was posted
to him.
A similar holding was made in Henthorn V. Fraser.?
maurice.mutuku answered the question on April 27, 2018 at 11:40
- Explain the establishment and jurisdiction of the Rent Tribunal.(Solved)
Explain the establishment and jurisdiction of the Rent Tribunal.
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Date posted: April 27, 2018. Answers (1)
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Explain the meaning of judicial precedent.
Date posted: April 27, 2018. Answers (1)
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A statute may have a provision whose meaning is not clear. It is then the duty of the
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statutory interpretation.
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Citing decided cases, explain the doctrine of “Ultra vires.”
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Distinguish between Incorporated and unincorporated associations.
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Explain the various forms of a qualified acceptance of a bill of exchange.
Date posted: April 27, 2018. Answers (1)
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Outline the characteristics of a promissory note.
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Outline the ways in which a bill of exchange may be discharged.
Date posted: April 27, 2018. Answers (1)
- Harry and Thuku agreed to meet for a business lunch at a restaurant in town. During
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Harry and Thuku agreed to meet for a business lunch at a restaurant in town. During
the lunch, Chuma one of Thuku's friends joined the two and began to
participate in the discussions. Chuma told Harry that he was Thuku's agent
to which Thuku did not object.
A week later, Chuma obtained goods on credit from Harry, allegedly on behalf of
Chuma has since disappeared and Harry is demanding payment from Thuku.
Advise Thuku.
Date posted: April 27, 2018. Answers (1)
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In the law of agency, describe the legal requirements for a valid ratification.
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What is ratification as used in the law of agency?
Date posted: April 27, 2018. Answers (1)
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Mwisho bought goods from Mwezi and paid for the goods by cheque. When Mwezi
presented the cheque to the bank for payment, it was dishonoured.
Advise Mwezi on his legal rights with regard to the goods.
Date posted: April 27, 2018. Answers (1)
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Explain four categories of unascertained goods.
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Namweya and Nabayi are both tenants and neighbours at a residential estate. Namweya
runs a posho mill business on the premises adjoining the house of her neighbour
Nabayi. The posho mill is diesel propelled and when in use causes a lot of vibrations.
Recently, as a result of the vibrations from the posho mill, a beam fell from the roof of
the adjoining house occupied by Nabayi and injured her. Nabayi claims that the
vibrations of the posho mill have been a nuisance and has as a result sued Namweya for
Explain the legal principles applicable in this case and advise both Namweya and
Date posted: April 27, 2018. Answers (1)
- Giving examples, outline the circumstances when a private individual may sue
on his own behalf for public nuisance.(Solved)
Giving examples, outline the circumstances when a private individual may sue
on his own behalf for public nuisance.
Date posted: April 27, 2018. Answers (1)
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In relation to the law of tort, explain what is meant by public nuisance.
Date posted: April 27, 2018. Answers (1)
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In relation to the law of tort, explain what is meant by private nuisance.
Date posted: April 27, 2018. Answers (1)
- Muthoga entered into a five year lease agreement for office premises with Njenga. After
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Muthoga entered into a five year lease agreement for office premises with Njenga. After
the end of the lease period, the parties agreed that Njenga would continue occupying the
office premises for another five years. On that basis, Njenga made extensive renovations
to the office premises.
Muthoga has now given Njenga notice to vacate the office premises claiming that the
lease agreement had expired.
Advise Njenga on his legal rights.
Date posted: April 27, 2018. Answers (1)