Explain the process of preparing the HAZOP study.


Explain the process of preparing the HAZOP study.



• Obtain the necessary data-The data can consists various drawings in the form of line graphs, plant layouts and fabrication drawings. There can also be instrument sequence control charts, logical diagrams and computer programs. Occasionally there are plant manuals and equipment manufacturer’s manuals.
• Convert data into a suitable form and plan the study sequence-the amount of work required in this stage depends on the type of the plant. In the case of continuous plants, the preparative work is minimal. With the batch plant, the preparative work is more extensive due to the more extensive need for manual operations thus the operation sequences are a part of the HAZOP.
• Arrange the necessary meetings-When the data has been assembled and the equipment representations made, the team leader should plan meetings. He or she should start with estimating the team-hours needed for the study and each individual part should be studied.

skilled writter answered the question on April 27, 2018 at 17:41

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