State eight things you could do to ensure high response rate for online questionnaires


State eight things you could do to ensure high response rate for online questionnaires



• Before structuring the questionnaire one should know his or her audience.
• One should check the format and the flow of the questionnaire and se whether the questions are making sense.
• The questionnaire should be short and one should keep the goal of the questionnaire when constructing the questions.
• One should send an email notification to notify the participants that they will be getting the questionnaire.
• One should limit the number of open ended questions because they take longer to answer.
• One should not ask questions which he or she knows the answer.
• One should use the correct spelling of the words.
• One should be considerate of the respondents time i.e. let them know how long the research will take to complete.
• One should use some open ended questions so that the respondents can share open comments.

skilled writter answered the question on April 27, 2018 at 17:57

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