How are leaves of mesophytes adapted to their functions?


How are leaves of mesophytes adapted to their functions?



Palisade cells are next to upper epidermis for maximum light absorption
Mosaic arrangement of leaves enables all leaves to trap sunlight
Palisade cells contain many chloroplasts to trap light
Transparent cuticle for penetration of light into palisade cells
Presence of guard cells for efficient diffusion of carbon dioxide into the leaf and oxygen out of the leaf
Thin to ensure short distance for carbon dioxide to reach the palisade cells
Broad flat lamina to provide large surface area for absorption of sunlight and carbon dioxide
Air spaces in spongy mesophyll for gases to circulate
Leaves have xylem to conduct water to photosynthetic cells,phloem to translocate the photosynthates to other parts of the plant
Chloroplasts have chlorophyll for trapping light energy
hydah kerubo answered the question on April 29, 2018 at 08:26

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