An occupier is any person who has overall control of any premises whether he is physically available at such premises or not.
What is expected of the occupier?
1. The occupier owes common duty of care to all of his visitors, i.e. “The common duty of care is to take such care as in all the circumstances of the case is reasonable to see that the visitor will be reasonably safe in using the premises for the purposes for which he is invited or permitted by the occupier to be there.”
2. Visitors are persons who have express or implied permission to enter or use the premise of a person. Lawful visitors to whom occupiers owe the common duty of care for the purposes of the Occupiers Liability
a. Invitees - those who have been invited to come onto the land and therefore have express permission to be there
b. Licensees - those who have express or implied permission to be there
c. Those who enter pursuant to a contract - For example paying guests at a hotel or paying visitors to a theatre performance or to see a film at a cinema.
d. Those entering in exercising a right conferred by law - For example a person entering to read the electricity meters.
3. The standard of care varies according to the circumstances. The legislation refers to two particular situations where the standard may vary:
a. An occupier must be prepared for children to be less careful than adults
b. An occupier may expect that a person in the exercise of his calling will appreciate and guard against any special risks ordinarily incident to it
4. The occupier is not liable for the negligence of an independent contractor ones he is satisfied that the contractor was competent.
5. The common duty of care does not impose on an occupier any obligation to a visitor who has willingly accepted a risk.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on April 28, 2018 at 12:09
- Define the mutual will and list the requirements which must be met to make its doctrine
Define the mutual will and list the requirements which must be met to make its doctrine
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Section 31 of the law of succession Act provides that a gift made in contemplation of
death shall be valid despite there being no transfer. Explain...(Solved)
Section 31 of the law of succession Act provides that a gift made in contemplation of
death shall be valid despite there being no transfer. Explain the conditions which have
to be fulfilled before such gifts can be valid.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Who is "Administrator pendente lite?".(Solved)
Explain who "Administrator pendente lite is.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the meaning of "Administrator cum testamento annexo"(Solved)
Explain the meaning of "Administrator cum testamento annexo"
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the Doctrine of survivorship.(Solved)
Explain the Doctrine of survivorship.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Outline the categories of persons eligible to be naturalized as citizens of your country.(Solved)
Outline the categories of persons eligible to be naturalized as citizens of your country.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Define the term “domicile” and citing examples, explain three types of domicile.(Solved)
Define the term “domicile” and citing examples, explain three types of domicile.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Distinguish choses in action from choses in possession giving examples of each.(Solved)
Distinguish choses in action from choses in possession giving examples of each.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Discuss the ways in which a person can lose ownership.(Solved)
Discuss the ways in which a person can lose ownership.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Mr. Jumbe who was vying for the national chairmanship of a political party, engaged
Mr. Musika, a local musician to perform in a series of campaign...(Solved)
Mr. Jumbe who was vying for the national chairmanship of a political party, engaged
Mr. Musika, a local musician to perform in a series of campaign meetings the political
rallies were scheduled to be held at the Wazalendo Stadium. Mr. Jumbe paid Mr. Musika
fifty thousand shillings as part payment for the performance fee.
Explain the legal position, if before the first rally can be held:
Mr. Musika is found guilty of being in possession of narcotics and selling it
to minors. He is arrested and sentenced to a one year jail term.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Mr. Jumbe who was vying for the national chairmanship of a political party, engaged
Mr. Musika, a local musician to perform in a series of campaign...(Solved)
Mr. Jumbe who was vying for the national chairmanship of a political party, engaged
Mr. Musika, a local musician to perform in a series of campaign meetings. The political
rallies were scheduled to be held at the Wazalendo Stadium. Mr. Jumbe paid Mr. Musika
fifty thousand shillings as part payment for the performance fee.
Explain the legal position, if before the first rally can be held:
The dais and seats at Wazalendo Stadium are burnt down and the rallies
have to be cancelled.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the principle in the rule in Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. Vs. Selfridge & Co. Ltd,
(1915)and the exceptions thereof.(Solved)
Explain the principle in the rule in Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. Vs. Selfridge & Co. Ltd,
(1915)and the exceptions thereof.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Differentiate between Law of succession and law of trust.(Solved)
Differentiate between Law of succession and law of trust.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Differentiate between Statute law and judicial precedent.(Solved)
Differentiate between Statute law and judicial precedent.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Distinguish between Civil burden of proof and criminal burden of proof.(Solved)
Distinguish between Civil burden of proof and criminal burden of proof.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Differentiate between Constitutional and administrative law.(Solved)
Differentiate between Constitutional and administrative law.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Citing relevant examples, give the instances as stipulated under section 71(2) of the
constitution, where a person may be lawfully deprived of life.(Solved)
Citing relevant examples, give the instances as stipulated under section 71(2) of the
constitution, where a person may be lawfully deprived of life.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- The President may, under section 27 of the Constitution, exercise the prerogative of
mercy. Explain the circumstances under which the President may exercise the
prerogative of mercy.(Solved)
The President may, under section 27 of the Constitution, exercise the prerogative of
mercy. Explain the circumstances under which the President may exercise the
prerogative of mercy.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- With reference to the Law of Succession, what is Special legacy?(Solved)
With reference to the Law of Succession, define Special legacy.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- With reference to the Law of Succession, what is Pecuniary legacy?(Solved)
With reference to the Law of Succession, define Pecuniary legacy.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)