Question: Outline preparations made for the first coming of Jesus
The preparation made for the first coming of Jesus was in way of;
- Prophesies by the prophets of the old testament.
-Events surrounding his birth.
The prophecies helped to identify him and pinpointed, his identity, his lineage, the virgin conception, location of his birth.
The events in the gospels aligned with the prophecies in the Old Testament to establish the truth about his identity and included;
-the angel’s announcements
-The star on the night of His birth
-The decree from Ceasar Augustus that all the world be enrolled.
-The large number of people in Bethlehem
-The Work of John the Baptist
In deutoronomy 18: 15 the first prophecy by Moses promised the children of Israel that God would raise up a prophet from their midst who would speak God’s words and commands to them.
Isaiah prophesied that a virgin conceive and bear a child, a son whose princely power would be upon his shoulder. His name or title would be wonderful, counselor, Mighty God, Father of eternity, and prince of peace. He also announced ---the location of His birth.
The Angel’s announcements to Zechariah and Mary.
Luke tells of the angels visit to Zechariah and His wife who were childless and announced to them that they would have a child who would prepare a people to receive the Lord Jesus.
Six months after John the baptists conception, the angel Gabriel visited Virgin Mary and announced to Her that she would conceive a child by the holy spirit.
The Angel’s announcements to the Shepherds.
In Judea there were shepherds watching their flock by night. An angel appeared to them and announced to them the good news that in the city of David was born a savior of the world,the Christ. He told them that the sign would be they would find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.
The star on the night of His birth.
On the night Jesus was born there was a star that the wise men identified to represent the birth of a king. The star led them to Bethlehem where Jesus born where they worshipped him and presented gifts of gold, and frankincense and myrrh to Him.
The decree from Ceasar Augustus that all the world be taxed.
There was a decree from Ceasar Augustus that all the world be taxed. And everyone went to his own city to be taxed. This required Joseph to go to Bethlehem the city of David for he was of the house and lineage of David. This is where Jesus was born.
The large number of people in Bethlehem.
Due to the large number of people in Bethlehem for everyone went to his own city to be taxed, there was not found a place in the inn. The only available place was the manger and this is where Jesus was born.
The work of John the Baptist
John the Baptist was born to prepare people to believe Jesus’ divinity.
John came preaching repentance and baptizing in water in preparation for the work of Jesus who would baptize with the holy spirit.
penny1955 answered the question on July 5, 2018 at 08:07
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