(a) Declaration:
This is a high court order which authoritatively articulates the legal position of the
matter before the court for example and a declaration of a persons individual rights.
The order is incapable of being executed.
(b) Prohibition:
This is an order directed to usurpers forbidding them from commencing or proceeding in
a cause pending before them.
It is ordinarily made in circumstances in which a court tribunal or official has no
jurisdiction to proceed in a particular manner for example, improper constitution, non-compliance with an essential preliminary requirement.
The order prevents a court of tribunal from exceeding or continuing to exceed
its jurisdiction or infringing the rules of natural justice.
Disobedience is punishable by contempt of court.
(c) Certiorari:
This is an order of the high court to a subordinate court, tribunal or authority requiring it
to produce a certified copy of a particular case for review and if found inappropriate the decision is quashed.
The order enables the high court to examine proceedings in other bodies to determine whether there have been any irregularities and may be made where a court,tribunal or authority has:
(i) Exceeded jurisdiction.
(ii) Violated the rules of natural justice.
(iii) An error on the face of the record.
(d) Mandamus:
This is an order of the High Court directed to any person corporation or court requiring the
same to do a particular thing appertaining to a public office or duty if the same has been refused
by the official or public authority. It secures performance by tribunals, courts, public officials
and administrative authorities.
(e) Habeas Corpus:
Literally means produce body.
This is an order of the high court directed to a detaining authority demanding the
production of the body of the detainee, before the court to show cause why he should not
be released forthwith.
It tests the legality of the detention or imprisonment.
Its function is to secure the release of a person in unlawful custody.
It is generally availed in circumstances in which a persons right of personal liberty is
maurice.mutuku answered the question on April 30, 2018 at 07:02
- Under the doctrine of judicial precedent, judges are said to make law.
Explain the issues contained in a judgement.(Solved)
Under the doctrine of judicial precedent, judges are said to make law.
Explain the issues contained in a judgement.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe the principles and presumptions that the courts use in the interpretation of
Describe the principles and presumptions that the courts use in the interpretation of
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe the limitations of common law which led to the development of the doctrines
of equity.(Solved)
Describe the limitations of common law which led to the development of the doctrines
of equity.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Name and briefly explain five categories of civil law.(Solved)
Name and briefly explain five categories of civil law.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Abraham instructed Sarah, an auctioneer to sell his house by auction. The sale was
subject to a reserve price of Sh. 1 million. Sarah advertised the...(Solved)
Abraham instructed Sarah, an auctioneer to sell his house by auction. The sale was
subject to a reserve price of Sh. 1 million. Sarah advertised the house stating that it was
subject to a reserve price. However, she sold the house to her Sister Mary at Sh.
900,000. Abraham has refused to accept the proceeds and to transfer the house to Mary.
Mary has demanded the transfer of the house by Abraham to her.
Explain the legal position of Abraham, Sarah and Mary.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the circumstances under which an agent may be held personally liable for
contracts made on behalf of his principal.(Solved)
Explain the circumstances under which an agent may be held personally liable for
contracts made on behalf of his principal.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Hassan Payuka is the proprietor of Parrot Daily Newspaper which published an article
two weeks ago to the effect that Mrs. Rose Brown the managing director...(Solved)
Hassan Payuka is the proprietor of Parrot Daily Newspaper which published an article
two weeks ago to the effect that Mrs. Rose Brown the managing director of Child Welfare Organisation had embezzled, Sh. 5 million from the organization to purchase a
private residential house for herself and family. Investigations have revealed that Mrs.
Rose Brown bought the house out of a loan of Sh. 6 million advanced to her by East
Bank and secured on the house. Mrs. Rose Brown is aggrieved and seeks your legal
Advise her.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the essential elements of negligence.(Solved)
Explain the essential elements of negligence.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- State the rule in Rylands -vs- Fletcher and explain the exceptions to that rule.(Solved)
State the rule in Rylands -vs- Fletcher and explain the exceptions to that rule.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Highlight the reasons that may cause a legacy to fail.(Solved)
Highlight the reasons that may cause a legacy to fail.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the duties of a personal representative.(Solved)
Explain the duties of a personal representative.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Roy Simiyu, a successful businessman would like to obtain some funds for expansion
of his business premises through a mortgage facility.
Roy Simiyu would like to know...(Solved)
Roy Simiyu, a successful businessman would like to obtain some funds for expansion
of his business premises through a mortgage facility.
Roy Simiyu would like to know what options would be available to the bank with
regard to the proposed security in the event of his business failing and his being unable
to repay the loan.
Describe the options available to the bank.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Inventive Mind Co. Ltd. has developed a new drug to be used in the treatment of
common cold. The directors wish to register the trademark for...(Solved)
Inventive Mind Co. Ltd. has developed a new drug to be used in the treatment of
common cold. The directors wish to register the trademark for their new product.
Outline the items which must be contained in the application form for registration in
order for the trademark to be registered.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the meaning of the term “Co-ownership” and state the ways in which co-ownership may be terminated.(Solved)
Explain the meaning of the term “Co-ownership” and state the ways in which co-ownership may be terminated.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- S. a former student at Masaku High School owes the school Sh. 50,000 as fees inarrears. Mr. P. the principal of the school wrote a...(Solved)
S. a former student at Masaku High School owes the school Sh. 50,000 as fees in
arrears. Mr. P. the principal of the school wrote a demand letter to F. S's father
threatening to sue S if the school fees in arrears was not cleared within seven days. F
approached P and offered to make payment by delivering 30 bags of maize valued at Sh.
30,000. On condition that it would be full and final payment of the debt owed to the
Mr. P accepted the offer and the maize was delivered to the school. Two years later, S
was employed and Mr. P now intends to sue him for the fee balance.
Discuss the legal position of S.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the meaning of the term “privity of contract” and outline the exceptions to that
Explain the meaning of the term “privity of contract” and outline the exceptions to that
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- What is the difference between a condition and a warranty?(Solved)
What is the difference between a condition and a warranty?
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe the remedies available to the buyer for breach of a contract for the sale of
Describe the remedies available to the buyer for breach of a contract for the sale of
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Highlight the essentials of a contract for the sale of goods.(Solved)
Highlight the essentials of a contract for the sale of goods.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the advantages of a private company over a public company.(Solved)
Explain the advantages of a private company over a public company.
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)