Discuss the adaptations of the following plants to their various habitats (i) Xerophytes (ii) Mesophytes (iii)Halophytes (iv) Hydrophytes


Discuss the adaptations of the following plants to their various habitats.
i) Xerophytes
ii) Mesophytes
iv) Hydrophytes



i.) Xerophytes.
- Leaves are modified into thorns to reduce the surface area for transpiration.
- The plants may shed their leaves during dry season to reduce surface area dir transpiration.
- The plants have leaves with thick waxy cuticle to reduce the rate of transpiration.
- They have curled leaves hence exposing few stomata, thereby reducing transpiration.
- They have sunken stomata with moisture accumulation within the substomatal this causes less transpiration rate.
- Some have reversed stomatal rhythm to reduce transpiration rate.
- Some have succulent stems or leaves which store water.

- They have ability to loose excess water due to presence of stomata on both upper and lower side.
- They have shallow root system to absorb superficial water.
- They have waxy leaves which are glossy to reflect light.
- They have support devices to reach out for light.
- They exhibit fast growth rates in order to compete for light.

iii.) Halophytes.
- Presence of breathing roots known as pneumatophores which emerge above the water surface for gaseous exchange.
- Have root cells with ability to trap and concentrate salts so that the hypertonic level developed enables them to draw water by osmosis from their environment.
- They emerge above the water so as to carry out photosynthesis.
- Have prop roots for support.
- Have developed aerenchyma tissue for buoyancy.

iv.) Hydrophytes.
- Leaves emerge, float and have maximum number of stomata on the upper surface to provide a large surface area for gaseous exchange and transpiration.
- When submerged the plants have thinly divided structures which are threadlike to give a large surface area for maximum absorption of light.
- Have chloroplasts which are sensitive to low light intensity enabling them to synthesize food under low light intensity.
- The plants develop aerencyma tissue which reduce density for buoyancy and gaseous exchange.
- Leaves are covered by a waxy substance to reduce excessive water absorption.
- Floating species have long fibrous roots for absorption of mineral salts.
eddynightsy answered the question on April 30, 2018 at 09:55

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