(a) Negotiation:this is an alternative dispute resolution mechanism which involves the
processof interaction between disputing parties and without compulsion by a 3rd party
adjudicator, the parties endeavour to come to an interdependent joint decision concerning
the terms of agreement on the issues between them. It enables disputing parties come to an
agreeable and acceptable settlement, usually a compromise. It proceeds through exchange of
information thereby permitting a learning process by which each party formulates modifies
and readjusts expectations, preferences and proposals.
(b) Mediation:this is a dispute resolution mechanism in which a neutral and impartial
thirdparty assists disputing parties to negotiate an acceptable settlement of contested issues
to avoid or overcome an impasse or if the parties are unable to negotiate.
It is merely the intervention into a dispute or negotiation by an
acceptable,impartial and neutral third party with no authoritative decision
making power. It is facilitated by negotiation.
(i) The mediator assists the parties to reach their own agreement.
(ii) It is the least intrusive form of third party involvement in a dispute.
(c) Arbitration:this is a method of settlement of civil disputes out of court by arbitrators
orarbitral tribunals that make arbitral awards. A dispute may be referred to arbitration by the
disputing parties, statute or a court of law. Arbitrators may be appointed by the parties, a 3rd
party of a court of law on application. Arbitrators enjoy certain powers;
(i) An arbitral award may be set aside by a court of law in application.
(ii) The law on arbitration is contained in the Arbitration Act, 1995.
(d) Tribunals:these are bodies created by statute to adjudicate specific disputes. The
exercise judicial or Quasi judicial functions, examples include industrial court licensing
boards, committees among others. These bodies enjoy certain advantages over ordinary courts for example,
cheap, speed, informality, flexibility convenience, specialization among others.
(e) Mini trial:this is a dispute resolving hybrid process that structures private negotiation
by combining elements of negotiation, mediation, and adjudication in a new way. It first
developed in California. The parties to the dispute appoint an experienced person to preside
at a two day information exchange. Each party presents its case. Officials from both sides
confer to evaluate the case and come to a settlement, failing which the presiding officer gives his view of how the case would be resolved in court. The parties discuss the case and if there is no settlement the case goes back to court.
(f) Med-Arb: this is a dispute resolution mechanism whereby an arbitrator acts as a mediator in a single dispute.
(g) Rent-a-judge (private judge):this is a situation where arbitration employs
experienced persons for example retired judge to arbitrate difficult cases.
(h) Summary jury trial.
(i) Neutral expert fact finding.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on April 30, 2018 at 13:18
- The constitution provides that when a bill has been passed by parliament, it shall be
presented to the president for assent. However, there are instances when...(Solved)
The constitution provides that when a bill has been passed by parliament, it shall be
presented to the president for assent. However, there are instances when the president
declines to assent a bill.
State the procedure the bill shall go through after it has failed to receive Presidential
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Outline the extent to which common law differ from equity.(Solved)
Outline the extent to which common law differ from equity.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the meaning of the term “statute” and highlight the advantages of statute law.(Solved)
Explain the meaning of the term “statute” and highlight the advantages of statute law.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Distinguish between Legal interests and equitable interests.(Solved)
Distinguish between Legal interests and equitable interests.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- State the various ways in which a lease agreement may be determined.(Solved)
State the various ways in which a lease agreement may be determined.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Enumerate the characteristics of a joint tenancy.(Solved)
Enumerate the characteristics of a joint tenancy.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Peter Ole Yang, while driving his car down Valley View road suddenly realized the brakes
of the car had failed. Unable to stop the car he...(Solved)
Peter Ole Yang, while driving his car down Valley View road suddenly realized the brakes
of the car had failed. Unable to stop the car he crashed into a motor vehicle driven by
James Kagio, damaging James Kagio's motor vehicle and injuring him.
Advise Peter Ole Yang as to his civil liability.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- In relation to the law of tort, explain the following rules:
(i) Reasonable foreseeability.
(ii) Egg shell skull.(Solved)
In relation to the law of tort, explain the following rules:
(i) Reasonable foreseeability.
(ii) Egg shell skull.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the principle of “Res Ipsa Loquitur” (The thing speaks for itself).(Solved)
Explain the principle of “Res Ipsa Loquitur” (The thing speaks for itself).
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Highlight the circumstances under which a grant of representation may be revoked as
provided for under the Law of Succession Act (Cap. 160) Laws of Kenya.(Solved)
Highlight the circumstances under which a grant of representation may be revoked as
provided for under the Law of Succession Act (Cap. 160) Laws of Kenya.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- State the order of priority in which a deceased's property is distributed where he dies
intestate leaving no spouse or children.(Solved)
State the order of priority in which a deceased's property is distributed where he dies
intestate leaving no spouse or children.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- State the formalities of a valid written will.(Solved)
State the formalities of a valid written will.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the rights and duties of the owner of goods in a hire-purchase agreement.(Solved)
Explain the rights and duties of the owner of goods in a hire-purchase agreement.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the duties of an agent to his principal.(Solved)
Explain the duties of an agent to his principal.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Mr. A, a car dealer sells second hand cars. On Thursday last week, he placed an advertisement
in a daily newspaper which stated the following:
“Once in...(Solved)
Mr. A, a car dealer sells second hand cars. On Thursday last week, he placed an advertisement
in a daily newspaper which stated the following:
“Once in a lifetime, opportunity to own a one year old Nissan Caravan, low
mileage, Kshs.500,000 cash. The offer is valid for only one day and the car will go to the
first person who accepts it.”
When Mr. B saw the advertisement, he immediately posted a letter of
acceptance of Mr. A‟s offer.
Mrs. C also saw the advertisement and came to inspect the car after which Mrs. C offered Mr.
A a cheque of Kshs. 500,000. However, Mr. A refused to accept the cheque stating that another
potential buyer had already offered to buy the car.
Later in the day Ms D, another interested buyer telephoned Mr. A informing him that she was
willing to buy the car but asked Mr. A if he would keep the offer open until she could go to
her bank to obtain a loan. Mr. A accepted the request. However later, in the day, Mr. E,
another potential buyer said that he would pay Sh. 600,000 in cash for the car. Mr. A agreed to
sell the car to Mr. E.
On Monday morning, Mr. A received Mr. B's letter of acceptance. At the same time,
Mr. E returned to complete the transaction. However, in the afternoon Mr. E telephoned Mr. A
to say that he had second thoughts and he no longer wished to purchase the car.
Citing relevant decided cases where applicable, explain the legal principles in the case in
relation to:
(a) Mr. A
(b) Mr. B
(c) Mrs.C
(d) Ms. D
(e) Mr. E
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the duties and rights of a limited partner.(Solved)
Explain the duties and rights of a limited partner.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Distinguish between a company limited by shares and a company limited by guarantee.(Solved)
Distinguish between a company limited by shares and a company limited by guarantee.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Identify the various orders or writs which the High Court may issue when exercising its
supervisory jurisdiction.(Solved)
Identify the various orders or writs which the High Court may issue when exercising its
supervisory jurisdiction.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Under the doctrine of judicial precedent, judges are said to make law.
Explain the issues contained in a judgement.(Solved)
Under the doctrine of judicial precedent, judges are said to make law.
Explain the issues contained in a judgement.
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe the principles and presumptions that the courts use in the interpretation of
Describe the principles and presumptions that the courts use in the interpretation of
Date posted: April 30, 2018. Answers (1)