Sustainable development goals (SDGs) are development goals that all 189 United Member States in the year 2000 had involved themselves to attain by the year 2015. These development goals include the following;
1. Eliminate absolute poverty and hunger.
2. Achieve universal primary education.
3. Promote gender equality and empower women.
4. Improve maternal health.
5. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases.
6. Ensure environmental sustainability.
7. Reduce Child/Infant mortality rate.
8. Develop a global partnership for development.
The following are ways in which Kenya has achieved the development goals;
1. Eradication of absolute poverty and hunger.
Poverty which eventually leads to hunger has been known to be the major constraint to human development hence the government has put across some measures to reduce this. For example, establishment of irritation schemes in arid and semi arid areas, facilitating mixed farming and application of fertilizers in the agricultural sector. The government has done all these to improve the standard of living of its people. Though it is not much easier to fully eliminate extreme poverty in the country, the government has been trying to ensure even distribution of wealth, income among others.
2. Achievement of Universal primary education.
Since education is a key indicator for social and economic, Kenya has always placed education as a priority at all levels. For example, in the year 2003, the government of Kenya adopted free primary education under the leadership of president Mwai Kibaki as a way of attaining sustainable development. Introduction of free primary education led to increase in the number of children joining various schools especially public schools without any problem arising in that their education had been catered for by the government. Both children from rich families and those from poor background families were given equal treatment in learning institutions where they were trained to read and write thus promoting quality education development.
3. Promoting gender equality and empowerment of women.
This comes about whereby women in Kenya have been recognized to be of great importance in Kenya just like the way men are treated as the best people especially when it comes to leadership. Women in Kenya have been provided with enough time and adequate resources to make sure that they Can effectively learn and become great people in the country. Some leadership positions have been secured for women for example, the position of women representative in the devolution system of governance where they can lead the rest on what should be done in order to make themselves more better.
4. Reducing child mortality rates
Kenya as a country has introduced mechanisms to curb child mortality rate for example; essential new born care including immunizing mothers against tetanus, ensuring clean delivery practices in a hygienic birthing environment, drying and wrapping the baby immediately after birth, providing necessary warmth and promoting immediate and continued breastfeeding, immunization among others. This has helped the survival of infants.
5. Improving maternal health.
In order to achieve improvement in maternal health as part of sustainable development goals, the government of Kenya has adopted the following; training health providers in emergency obstetrics care, strengthening maternal healthcare system and mobilizing communities to improve deliveries in birth clinics, give incentives to health providers to motivate them to do their job effectively and implementing evidence-based maternal health interventions.
6. Combating HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases.
Kenya has launched a national HIV/AIDS strategic plan whereby it emphasises on key priority areas that should be considered in order to control the spread of HIV/AIDS across the country. This is because HIV/AIDS is a very dangerous disease which can easily be transmitted from one person to another through various ways which may tend to infect most people where it is not controlled. HIV/AIDS reduces the population of the country where most people are infected. Malaria on the other hand is one of the diseases known to be deadly in the country. The government has managed to provide adequate medication for the same. The government has also facilitated means to control Malaria such as provisions of treated mosquito nets to its citizens across the country.
7. Ensuring environmental sustainability.
The government of Kenya also cares for its environment. It encourages great care on the natural resources such forests and other terrestrial ecosystem resources. A beautiful environment in most cases tends to promote a peaceful environment where people can be able to reside without any discomforts on their way.
8. Development of Global partnership.
Kenya has put measures in place to address governance where partnership has been encouraged so that a certain group of people may come together and make reasonable decisions on how they exploit the available resources so as to earn them a good return for their own use. In this case their living standards would probably be bettered unlike before.
Dullayo answered the question on May 1, 2018 at 07:50
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