The following are some of the factors that hinder rapid success of sustainable development goals in Kenya.
1. Political instability.
This is as a result of feuds caused by individuals for political gains. Political instability leads to lack of stable peace in the country hence the environment becomes in conducive for people to stay. This also hinders investors to make investments in such a country for fear of making loses. Tourism and agricultural sectors are also affected by such constrain.
2. Load of debt
Kenya faces great problems which forces her to borrow funds from other countries preventing it from achieving its sustainable development goals effectively. Continuous borrowing has led to huge debt on the country hence reducing availability of funds in the nation. Therefore Kenya cannot carry out other valuable activities.
3. Kenya's climate and physical geography.
Over 80% of kenya's land may classified as arid and semi arid with very low agricultural potential. This challenge causes hunger, waterborne diseases and poverty especially among the rural population.
4. Kenya's economic policy
The kenya's economic policy indicates that the country has continued to experience mixed economic growth which has resulted into unsatisfactory performance leading to poor macroeconomic policies. The failure of Kenya to change the economic policies has forced the country to remain unable to raise enough wealth to finance sustainable development goals.
5. Corruption
Is one of the major factors that has hindered rapid success of sustainable development in Kenya. This is so because the resources that would have been utilized in achieving the goals are taken and misused in a way that is not known by the people leaving them in poverty every other time. Corruption has also continued to undermine efficiency of service delivery, raised the cost of businesses, discouraged investors from participating in various businesses.
6. Bad governance
Absence of good governance in a country is a major constraint in achieving sustainable development goals in that the institutions mandated to carry out some of the tasks have not been governed to do so hence resulting in poor performance of the country.
7. Inequality
This is perpetuated when state powers are used to exercise differences in the sharing of political and economic welfare. Gross inequalities in incomes, access to state institutions and power affect the welfare of sections of the nations.
The following are the policy options for the achievement of the sustainable development goals.
i. To address poverty and hunger by creating sustainable jobs in the economy coupled within developing human resources and increasing agricultural productivity through investing in healthy and approved seeds and provision of agricultural extension services.
ii. To achieve universal primary education by approaching the donor community to fund free primary education coupled with engaging private sector in funding primary education.
iii. Promoting gender equality and women empowerment. There should be an affirmative action put in place to ensure more female students to join schools and universities even with lower points than their male counterparts. And strengthening of national policy on gender and development.
iv. Reducing child mortality through allocating funds for prevention and encourage breastfeeding, use of insecticides in treating nets to reduce malaria infection.
v. Improving maternal health by providing free maternal services to expectant mothers, free delivery at hospitals e.t.c.
vi. Combating HIV/AIDS by funding youth interventions, public sector condom program, mass media among others.
vii. Ensuring environmental sustainability.
viii. Developing a global partnership.
Dullayo answered the question on May 1, 2018 at 08:00
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