Describe the major character traits of Mulili as seen in the play, Betrayal In The City


Describe the major traits of Mulili as seen in the play, Betrayal In The City.



He is vengeful.
Whenever Mulili disagrees with someone, the person faces his wrath immediately. When he quarrels with Jere over Adika’s shaving ceremony, Mulili initiates Jere’s arrest right after it. Kabito meets his untimely death immediately after crossing Mulili’s path. Nina and Doga, the old couple, are also killed after Mulili's plan.

He is brutal
Mulili is responsible for the death of Kabito, Nina and Doga. He is also keen to enforce Boss’ orders to the letter, however brutal. His character is contrasted with Jere’s when they are deployed in the village to prevent the shaving ceremony from going on. While Jere is overcome by pity on seeing Nina and Doga mourning their son, Mulili is unshaken and he insists that the ceremony must be put off. After quarrelling with Kabito, Mulili plans his murder and makes it look like an accident.

Mulili is traitorous
He is only loyal to any cause as long as he has individual gains to make from the cause. He is loyal to Boss when he has power because he is corruptly awarded public land, tenders and a large herd of cattle. He does not care about other citizens of Kafira, the likes of Nina and Doga, who are oppressed by Boss’ regime.However,when Mosese and his team overthrow Boss, Mulili conveniently denies his relation to Boss calling him “a distant cousin.”

Mulili can also be described as: ignorant, hot tempered, selfish/greedy, egocentric/egoistic
Mr Masinde answered the question on May 1, 2018 at 11:42

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