“The office of the chief justice is a critical office in the judiciary of a country” Discuss


“The office of the chief justice is a critical office in the judiciary of a country” Discuss



The office of the chief justice is established by the Constitution. It is a constitutional office and
therefore one of the important offices in a country.
The occupant of the office is appointed by the president. The Constitution does not expressly
prescribe the qualification for the holder of the office. However, once appointed he becomes a
judge of the High court and Court of Appeal.

Under the provisions of the constitution, the chief justice is the most senior judge. The
importance of the office may be exemplified by a discussion of its function:
(a) Administrative function.
(i) The chief justice is the chairman of the Judicial Service Commission.

(ii) He is the principal administrative officer of the judiciary.

(iii) Determines where the High court sits.

(iv) Overseas administration of courts.

(v) He is responsible for the efficiency delivery of judicial services.

(vi) He appoints the duty judge.

(vii) He makes judges available for various duties.

(b) Judicial function
As a judge of the High court and Court of Appeal he participates in the adjudicatory

(c) Legislative function
(i) The chief justice is empowered to make law by various statutes.?

(ii) Under the Judicature Act, Kadhis Court Act and the Magistrate Court Act, he is
empowered to make law to regulate the practice and procedure of courts.

(iii) Under section 84 of the Constitution, he is empowered to make law to facilitate the
enforcement of fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual.

(d) Political function
(i) He administers oath to the person elected to the office of the president.

(ii) He represents the judiciary in all state functions.

(e) Legal education and profession
(i) The chief justice or his nominee is the chairman of the Council of Legal Education.

(ii) He admits advocates to the bar.

(iii) He issues practicing certificates to advocates.

(iv) He appoints commissioner for oath and notaries public.

(e) Enhancement of jurisdiction
Under the provision of the Magistrates Court Act, the chief justice is empowered to increase the
civil jurisdiction of the Resident Magistrates Court. This is effected by a notice in the Kenya

The chief justice retires at the age of 74 and enjoys some security of tenure. He can only be
removed from office on the ground of either;
(i) Misbehaviour, or

(ii) Inability to discharge functions of his office Provided a tribunal appointed by the president has investigated the allegations and recommended that he be removed.

Our discussion clearly demonstrates that the office of the Chief Justice is an important one.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on May 2, 2018 at 07:04

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