Identify the reasons that have led to the decline in the use of coal as a fuel in the Ruhr region.


Identify the reasons that have led to the decline in the use of coal as a fuel in the Ruhr region.



(a) The increased use of other sources of energy such as HEP, oil and natural gas.
(b) The rising costs of extracting coal since the mines are now very deep. New coal mines take about 15 years to be opened
(c) Other sources of fuel are easier to transport than coal which is bulky.
(d) Mining of coal leads to environmental degradation. The land is left with large and open depressions.
(e) Coal has a low calorific value compared with other fuels such as oil.
(f) Steel is increasingly being made from scrap metal.
Faimus answered the question on May 2, 2018 at 11:06

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