(a) The mountainous relief of Japan has led to presence of several rivers. The rivers are harnessed to produce Hydroelectric power which is used in the industries.
(b) Japan has a highly skilled labour force. The Japanese education system puts a lot of emphasis on the development of technical and scientific skills. This system of education has helped to create a pool of highly skilled workers needed in the electronics and automobile industries.
(c) The Japanese people are hard working and enterprising. They are known to be workaholics to the extent of overworking themselves. They are also a highly disciplined people. This has enabled the country to sustain high production.
(d) The technology used in the electronics and automobile industries is very advanced. Almost all plants dealing with electronics and automobiles are computerized to increase efficiency. Intensified research has come up with efficient methods of production. High quality goods, competitive in the world, are produced.
(e) Water is essential in many manufacturing industries. Japan has an abundant supply of water from its numerous rivers and small lakes. The water is used in the iron and steel industry whose products are used to make component parts used in automobile and electronics industries.
Faimus answered the question on May 2, 2018 at 11:25
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Identify the reasons that have led to the decline in the use of coal as a fuel in the Ruhr region.
Date posted: May 2, 2018. Answers (1)
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Highlight the problems facing the cottage industry in India.
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Identify the problems arising from industrialization in Kenya.
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(a) Diversification of the economy
(b) Fostering good international relations.
(c) Formation of cooperative societies.
(d) Growth of...(Solved)
Briefly explain how industrialization has contributed to the following:
(a) Diversification of the economy
(b) Fostering good international relations.
(c) Formation of cooperative societies.
(d) Growth of settlements.
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Give the significance of industrialization in Kenya.
Date posted: April 27, 2018. Answers (1)
- Briefly explain how the following factors influence the location and development of industries:
(a) Labour
(b) Water
(c) Capital(Solved)
Briefly explain how the following factors influence the location and development of industries:
(a) Labour
(b) Water
(c) Capital
Date posted: April 27, 2018. Answers (1)