i) The invention of steamships and development of rail transport made the European access to Africa possible
ii) The discovery of quinine to cure malaria made it possible for the Europeans to penetrate the interior.
iii) Military advancement through the manufacture of sophisticated weapons
johnmulu answered the question on May 17, 2017 at 11:49
- Give the pull factors for the scramble for Africa(Solved)
Give the pull factors for the scramble for Africa
Date posted: May 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give social reasons for the scramble for Africa(Solved)
Give social reasons for the scramble for Africa
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Name three Western African countries that were ruled by Britain
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Name the two powers that were in contention for the ownership of Suez Canal.
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Name two regions of conflict in Africa that led to the convening of Berlin conference.
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Name two provinces that France lost Germany in the Franco-Prussian war.
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- State one political reason that led to the scramble and partition of Africa. (Solved)
State one political reason that led to the scramble and partition of Africa.
Date posted: May 17, 2017. Answers (1)
- State two economic factors that led to the scramble and partition of Africa. (Solved)
State two economic factors that led to the scramble and partition of Africa.
Date posted: May 17, 2017. Answers (1)
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Name two chartered companies that were used by European powers to administer their colonies.
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- State two undiplomatic methods used by European to acquire colonies in Africa. (Solved)
State two undiplomatic methods used by European to acquire colonies in Africa.
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State two diplomatic methods used by Europeans to acquire colonies.
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- Name two missionary societies and groups that came to spread Christianity in Africa. (Solved)
Name two missionary societies and groups that came to spread Christianity in Africa.
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Outline the composition of the Cabinet in Kenya
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Discuss three duties of the president in Kenya.
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State the powers and functions of the president in Kenya
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State the demerits of parliamentary supremacy
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Describe merits of parliamentary supremacy.
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What events may leads a county assembly seat to fall vacant?
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What are the requirements or qualifications for one to qualify as a candidate in the elections to the county assembly Kenya?
Date posted: May 16, 2017. Answers (1)