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What are the challenges brought about by better use of ICT?


Give the challenges brought about by better use of ICT.



(i) Filtration of Information.
When a keyword is given to a search engine to search information on a specific topic, a large number of related links are displayed. In this case, it becomes difficult to filter out the sensitive form being searched over the internet.

(ii) Wastage of time.
A lot of time is wasted browsing and downloading information over the internet. Some people waste a lot of time chatting or playing games. At home and offices, most of the people use Internet without any positive purpose.

(iii) Theft of Personal Information.
Use of Internet to gain illegal access to one's private data/ information and use that information to perform a malicious act.

(iv) Pornography and immorality.
Involves the downloads of illicit or immoral materials in the form of text, pictures or movies.

(v) Spamming.
This refers to sending unsolicited or unwanted e-mail in bulk, which serve no purpose and unnecessarily clog up the site.

(vi) Virus infection threat.
Computers connected to internet are more prone to virus attacks than standalone computers and send time and crashing the whole computer system's hard disk, causing you considerable nuisance.

(vii) Security Problems.
The valuable websites can be damaged by hackers and your valuable data may be deleted. Similarly, confidential data may be accessed by unauthorized persons.

maurice.mutuku answered the question on May 5, 2018 at 14:30

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