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Create a class in C++ language that holds name and address information.Store all the information in character strings that are private members of the class.Include...


Create a class in C++ language that holds name and address information.Store all the information in character strings that are private members of the class.Include a public function that stores the name and address.Also include a public function that displays the name and address. (Call these functions store() and display() )



using namespace std;
class addr {
char name [40];
char street [40];
char city [30];
char state [3];
char zip [10];
void store (char *n, char *s, char *c, char *t, char *z);
void display();
void addr :: store (char *n, char *s, char *c, char *t, char *z)
strcpy (name, );
strcpy (street, s);
strcpy (city, c);
strcpy (state, t);
strcpy (zip, z);
void addr ::display()
cout << name << "\n";
cout << street << "\n";
cout << city << "\n";
cout << state << "n";
cout << zip << "\n\n";
int main ()
addr a; "C. B Turkel", "11 Pinetree Lane", "Wausau",
"In", "46576");
return 0;
Githiari answered the question on May 5, 2018 at 17:42

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