Discuss the contribution of Pan-Africanism to the development of African self determination


Discuss the contribution of Pan-Africanism to the development of African self determination.




•1958 - Pan-africanism conference held in Ghana helped to put pressure on the importance of self governance and the need for other African countries to attain independence.

•1945 - Pan-africanism conference held in Manchester united all leaders and articulated the need for self governance under the leadership of William .E.B Dubois.

•One of the objective of Pan-africanism was to fight for the decolonisation of African states by uniting all people of African decent from Africa and Diaspora.

•The activities of Pan-africanists such as Kwame Nkurumah, Leopold Sedar Senghor, Gamel Abdel Nasser and Kamuzu Panda helped other African states to attain independence as the case of Mozambique and South Africa by giving material support to freedom fighters of FRELIMO and African National Congress respectively.

•Pan-africanism helped in encouraging nationalists to fight against freedom by compaigning for rich African culture as seen by works of Leopold Sedar Senghor who wrote poems about the rich African culture.

•The ideas of Pan-africanism arose interest towards self governance and fighting against colonialism and its oppressive rule.

Edwinnyongesa8 answered the question on May 11, 2018 at 12:32

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