Describe an experiment for the demonstration of the process of diffusion using potassium manganate (VII).


Describe an experiment for the demonstration of the process of diffusion using potassium manganate (VII).



Requirements: potassium manganate (VII) crystals, glass tubing, 100 cm3 beaker and water.


a) Hold the glass tubing vertically in a beaker so that one end of the tubing rests on the bottom of the beaker.

b) Cautiously and quickly drop a crystal of potassium manganate (VII) through the upper opening of the glass tubing.

c) Close the upper hand of the glass tubing with the thumb.

d) Half fill the beaker with water.

e) Carefully withdraw vertically the glass tubing so that the crystal is left undisturbed at the bottom of the beaker.

f) Record your observations for the first 15 minutes.

g) Explain your observations.

Expected observations

After some time, the purple colour of the potassium manganate (VII) spread throughout the water and eventually all the water turned purple.


The crystals of potassium manganate (VII) are highly concentrated with the potassium manganate (VII) particles. The potassium manganate (VII) particles break away from the crystals, dissolve in water and then diffuse through the water until they are evenly distributed.
Anganifelix answered the question on May 8, 2018 at 12:24

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