a) Light
Methylated spirit, iodine solution, water, white tile, droppers, beaker, source of heat, boiling tube, light proof material e.g. aluminium foil, potted plant and clips.
Cover two or more leaves of a potted plant with a light proof material.
Place the plant in a dark place for 48 hours (keeping the plant in the dark for 48 hours is to ensure that all the starch in it is used up. This makes the leaves ideal for investigating whether starch would form in the experimental period. This is called destarching).
Transfer the potted plant to light for 5 hours.
Detach and uncover the leaves and immediately test for starch in one of the covered leaves and one that was not covered.
b) Carbon (IV) oxide
Sodium hydroxide pellets, ?ask, jelly
Destarch the plant for 48 hours
Place a few pellets of sodium hydroxide in the ?ask
Bore a hole in the cork of the same size as the petiole of the leaf being used
Cut the cork lengthwise. Chlorophyll
For this experiment, a variegated leaf is required. This is a leaf in which some patches lack chlorophyll.
These patches could be yellow. They lack chlorophyll hence photosynthesis does not take place in them.
Detarch or remove variegated leaf that has been exposed to light for at least three hours.
Draw a large diagram of the leaf to show the distribution of the chlorophyll
Test the leaf for starch and record observations.
Anganifelix answered the question on May 9, 2018 at 09:54
- Explain the Factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis(Solved)
Explain the Factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis.
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i) cuticle
ii) epidermis
iii) guard cells
iv) palisade mesophyll
v) Spongy mesophyll layer
vi) Vascular bundle/tissue
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