1. It is most widely used separation technique.
2. It is used for the separation of closely related compounds from mixture.
3. It is based on partition principle of the compounds to be separated between two phases.
4. The mixture to be separated is applied on whatman No:1 filter paper over a short
distance from one end.
5. The paper serve as support for stationary phase of solvent system
The solvent system consist of n-butanol, aceticacid and water in the ratio of 4:1:5.
7. The paper is dipped in the solvent system and solvent is allowed to flow over applied sample.
8. The water is absorbed by filter paper and serve as stationary phase.
9. The organic solvent that moves over the paper is known as mobile phase.
10. Compounds which are more soluble in organic solvent move faster.
11. The relative mobility of the compounds during chromatography depends on the
partition coefficients of the compounds in two solvent phases.
12. So similar compounds which have different partion coefficients move to different
13. The ratio of the distance moved by compound to the distance moved by solvent is known as R values. f
14. R values are different for different solvent systems.
15. Compounds are identified by staining.
16. Aniline or silver nitrate are used to stain carbohydrates after separation.
17. Among carbohydrates glucose moves faster followed by galactose.
18. Paper chromatography is also used for separation of amino acids.
Anganifelix answered the question on May 10, 2018 at 18:16
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