1. Quantization
from the world of analog to digital conversion where analog data has to be broken in to digital representations with fixed precision and range and hence "quantized". in colour management the term refers to "truncation" or "loss of data". It usually means dropping lower order (right most) digits in a result in order to allow the result to be represented in a certain number of binary digits. The computer industry standardized on the 8-bit byte as a basic computer storage and computational unit. With 8-bits one can represent or encode 256 distinct values. For many situations 256 levels or colours or variations per colour channel matches the human visual system reasonably closely. However, if the coding of data into the 8-bit bytes is done without regard for the way that the values to be represented spread themselves out in a coding scheme, the 8-bit representation can become very lossy when representing colour values.
2. Gamut Mapping
Since the most notorious colour gamut compressions involve reducing the total number of
colours that can be represented then going back to the original values is usually impossible.
What has been lost is lost. So it is best to delay any steps where gamut compression can occur to avoid reducing the gamut of the data we have. It must be done for output to gamut reduced devices but it is best to reduce your data in this way only in the last step.
3. White Point/Black Point
The International Colour Consortium (ICC) is now a group of more than 60 companies working on and agreeing to a standard profile specification, and implicitly through that, agreeing to a standard way in which to perform colour management and colour conversion.
The clarity of the agreements hasn't always been perfect and the specification has several places where the explanation and wording can be greatly improved. There is also other more long term work being done within the ICC to change some of the fundamental assumptions of the current architecture with hopes of making bigger advancements.
4. Bad Arithmetic
Any time when one does computation on a computer she has to worry about loss of significance and magnified error creeping into our computations.
5. Interpolation Errors
Interpolation is a simple process of guessing a result value intermediate between two known values. For smooth functions this is a very effective way to reduce table sizes when functions are to be computed by simply looking up the proper answer in a table. For many functions the table would be required to have an impractical number of entries so tables with fewer entries are provided and the smoothness of the function is relied upon to make computation of intermediate results meaningful.
lydiajane74 answered the question on May 11, 2018 at 18:37
- Create a class called box whose constructor function is passed three double values, each of which represents the length of one side of a box.Have...(Solved)
Create a class called box whose constructor function is passed three double values, each of which represents the length of one side of a box.Have the box class compute the volume of the box and store the result in a double variable.Include a member function called vol() that displays the volume of each box object.
Date posted: May 5, 2018. Answers (1)
- Create a class C++ class called t_and_d that is passed the current system time and date as a parameter to its constructor when it is...(Solved)
Create a class C++ class called t_and_d that is passed the current system time and date as a parameter to its constructor when it is created.Have the class include a member function that displays this time and date on the screen.
Date posted: May 5, 2018. Answers (1)
- Illustrate the change of a C++ stack so it dynamically allocates memory for the stack.Have the size of the stack specified by a parameter to...(Solved)
Illustrate the change of a C++ stack so it dynamically allocates memory for the stack.Have the size of the stack specified by a parameter to the constructor function.(Free this memory with a destructor function)
Date posted: May 5, 2018. Answers (1)
- Create a C++ class called stopwatch that emulates a stopwatch that keeps track of elapse time. Use a constructor to initially set the elapse time...(Solved)
Create a C++ class called stopwatch that emulates a stopwatch that keeps track of elapse time. Use a constructor to initially set the elapse time to 0.Provide two member function called start() and stop() that turns on and off the timer, respectively. Include a member function called show() that displays the elapsed time.Also, have the destructor function automatically display elapsed when stopwatch object is destroyed.
Date posted: May 5, 2018. Answers (1)
- Create an overload rotate() function using C++ new style that left-rotates the bits in its argument and returns the result.Overload it so it accepts ints...(Solved)
Create an overload rotate() function using C++ new style that left-rotates the bits in its argument and returns the result.Overload it so it accepts ints and longs.(A rotate is similar to a shift except that the bit shifted off one end is shifted onto the other end)
Date posted: May 5, 2018. Answers (1)
- Create a class in C++ language that holds name and address information.Store all the information in character strings that are private members of the class.Include...(Solved)
Create a class in C++ language that holds name and address information.Store all the information in character strings that are private members of the class.Include a public function that stores the name and address.Also include a public function that displays the name and address. (Call these functions store() and display() )
Date posted: May 5, 2018. Answers (1)
- Write a program that uses C++ style I/O to prompt the user for a string and then display its length.(Solved)
Write a program that uses C++ style I/O to prompt the user for a string and then display its length.
Date posted: May 5, 2018. Answers (1)
- Given the following new-style C++ program, show how to change it into its old-style form.#include using namespace std;into f(into a);into main(){cout << f(10);return 0;}int f(int...(Solved)
Given the following new-style C++ program, show how to change it into its old-style form.
using namespace std;
into f(into a);
into main()
cout << f(10);
return 0;
int f(int a)
return a * 3.1416;
Date posted: May 5, 2018. Answers (1)
- Create a function in C++ language called rev_str() that reverses a string.Overload rev_str() so it can be called with either one character array or two.When...(Solved)
Create a function in C++ language called rev_str() that reverses a string.Overload rev_str() so it can be called with either one character array or two.When it is called with one string, have that one string contain the reversal.When it is called with two strings, return the reversed string in second argument.For example
char s1[80], s2[80];
strcpy (s1, "hello");
rev_str(s1, s2; //reversed string goes in s2, s1 untouched
rev_str(s1); //reversed string is returned in s1
Date posted: May 5, 2018. Answers (1)
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Outline four main steps in computer forensics.
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Properties of a firewall
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Define controversial content.
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What is verification?
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What is authentication?
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How does computer technology threaten the privacy of our data?
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)
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Define privacy
Date posted: April 28, 2018. Answers (1)